Imagination Rising Remix Event
Admiral Bob:
Sat, Sep 23 6:18 AM Announcements :: Soundtracks: Take 1
When mixter plus started working again, I deleted it and uploaded it again. ...
Sat, Sep 16 4:06 PM Announcements :: Soundtracks: Take 1
So upload stems is still broken. I tried using the ccMixter upload to get it in ...
Wed, Aug 30 10:20 AM Announcements :: Save the Date for MixterPlus Zoom Sep 3
I heard about this initiative in the last zoom, and have a project ready to go.
Sun, Jun 4 2:50 AM Announcements :: Launching Mixterplus
Yes I noticed this too. How did AB and Airtone find the mix? I can see it in my...
Sat, Jun 3 6:29 AM Announcements :: Launching Mixterplus
102 uploads and counting... Radioontheshelf has turned up, remixed... but doe...
Tue, May 23 8:37 AM Announcements :: Launching Mixterplus
A playlist question: do playlists hide one's own contributions - or am I just no...
Sat, May 13 8:23 AM The Big OT :: Peter Gabriel on the future of AI: 'We might as well just grab the algorithms and dance with them, rather than fight them'
I’m sure most of us have played around with this tech by now, and it certainly...
Sat, May 13 8:06 AM The Big OT :: Where have all the critics gone?
From my perspective, I am far more taken by what people accomplish as artists th...
Mon, Apr 26 4:43 AM DIY :: Admiral Bob's blues workshops
Episode ii: tone, continued.
Sat, Apr 24 7:37 AM DIY :: Admiral Bob's blues workshops
Admiral Bob's blues workshops: Episode I - tone, drama, and dynamics https://...
Wed, Jan 6 5:48 PM Announcements :: We Stand for Peace and Democracy
Thank you.
Sat, Nov 28 10:55 AM Announcements :: Come Together Secret Mixter
Pretty much no way to do that without spoiling the surprise unfortunately. The s...
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