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Peter Gabriel on the future of AI: 'We might as well just grab the algorithms and dance with them, rather than fight them'

permalink   Sat, Mar 18, 2023 @ 9:53 AM
With his tech company Reverberation, the visionary artist hopes to “do all sorts of extraordinary things, including perhaps — and I do say ‘perhaps’ — protecting our future.”

Read more at:
Admiral Bob
permalink   Sat, May 13, 2023 @ 8:23 AM
I’m sure most of us have played around with this tech by now, and it certainly changes everything. Even vintage music: the new Beatles’ Revolver stereo mixes, for instance.

But there’s a third option as well. To just do other things. I accept that AI is interesting and can (and will) make good music.

I’m just interested in other things right now. I’m entranced by medieval music at the moment, particularly plainsong. Gregorian chant uses 8 modes that aren’t like pentatonic scales, and which uses a different notation than modern treble/bass clef notation.

AI isn’t playing in that world, and I am. So not really a fight, so much as just travelling a different world for the moment.
permalink   cube3 Fri, May 19, 2023 @ 6:50 AM
I have to inform you, that “The Prayer” was exhibited in 2020.

The Prayer is presented in the show “Neurons, Simulated Intelligence”, at Centre Pompidou, Paris, curated by Frédéric Migayrou and Camille Lenglois from 26 February - 26 April 2020.
The Prayer is an art-installation that tries to explore the supernatural through artificial intelligence with a long-term experimental set up. A robot - installation operates a talking mouth, that is part of a computer system, creating and voicing prayers, that are generated in every very moment by the self-learning system itself, exploring ‘the divine’ the supernatural or ‘the noumenal’ as the mystery of ‘the unknown’, using deep learning.
How would a divine epiphany appear to an artificial intelligence? The focus of the project could maybe shed light on the difference between humans and AI machines in the debate about mind and matter and allows a speculative stance on the future of humans in the a age of AI technology and AGI ambitions.
permalink   spinningmerkaba Thu, Jun 1, 2023 @ 10:50 AM
Thanks for posting this! Looking forward to the continued exploration.
permalink   spinningmerkaba Thu, Jun 1, 2023 @ 10:52 AM
permalink   Tue, Jun 20, 2023 @ 5:12 AM
Admiral Bob
permalink   Sun, Oct 22, 2023 @ 3:21 AM
On a somewhat related topic: if you’re going to get ChatGPT to do your writing for you, at least edit out the dead giveaways.

“I hope this [name of media format] finds you well.” Nuke this - you might as well have heraldic trumpets announcing you got ChatGPT to write it.

“In conclusion” in an email (or equivalent.) Nobody ever writes this in an email. :)
permalink   Apoxode Mon, Oct 23, 2023 @ 12:49 PM
Lol, fully agreed, I mean we need help getting started sometimes, but we have to take the wheel at some point, right?

Case in point: deciding someone’s fate with AI.

Now it’s in the history books as the first court case using AI.
permalink   Admiral Bob Tue, Oct 24, 2023 @ 4:53 AM
Yep, lawyers especially need to take a look at the copy going into their presentation, I think.