Join the Season of the Stars Remix Event!
Sat, Apr 30 9:28 PM Announcements :: Strike the Root-A Larry Lessig Remix Event
Thank you for the compliment, snowflake. I was wrong to be impatient. Many flaws...
Sat, Apr 30 9:07 AM Announcements :: Strike the Root-A Larry Lessig Remix Event
You're right, Admiral. I do recall the ASCAP project lasting longer. Thank you f...
Sat, Apr 30 1:14 AM Announcements :: Strike the Root-A Larry Lessig Remix Event
Isn't it time we move on? I sent a strike at the root, but it seemed to be of no...
Fri, Apr 8 4:46 PM Announcements :: Strike the Root-A Larry Lessig Remix Event
"personal stories of how corruption has impacted their lives?" Oh my.... Where t...
Wed, Jan 19 1:15 PM Announcements :: EMERGENCE: A Community-Based Sonic Art Installation
Dang.... missed the deadline by one day. Good luck with the event :)
Wed, Aug 4 11:28 PM Announcements :: FREEDOM TO SHARE: ccMixter Responds to ASCAP
So strange to be away on my own inward journey of unknowns; Returning with this ...
Sun, Nov 16 12:37 PM Help :: What happened to the Collab function?
Thanks Spin. Now I see what happened. It wasn't really necessary; just kinda cut...
Sun, Nov 16 11:02 AM Help :: What happened to the Collab function?
I must have missed something; 'cause if I recall correctly, there was a "collabo...
Tue, Oct 9 3:46 PM The Big OT :: SecretMixter IV: Zed Revolution
Me too!
Sun, Sep 16 7:41 PM DIY :: A couple free VST's I'm liking (one ePiano and one guitar amp sim & multi-effect)
Thanks for that link to texture! Super cool.
Sat, Sep 15 3:42 PM Help :: Collaboration Feature
What a great feature! Can't wait to try it.
Thu, Sep 13 5:11 AM Announcements :: New Feature: Say Whaaaaa?
"Recommend" is much better!
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