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Come Back to Me

uploaded: Sat, Aug 29, 2015 @ 12:16 AM last modified: Sat, Sep 5, 2015 @ 2:32 AM  (replace)
FeaturingFrank Carter III (Songboy3), ElRon XChile, CSoul, Grapes, Nickleus, Wilburson, Electric Paul, Brad Sucks
Recommends (23)
Baby come back, any kind of fool could see
There was something in everything about you
— Player, 1977

Always a pleasure remixing Frank.

In our sample library, found a four bar ballad piano loop with unfortunate resonance artifacts that were exacerbated by pitching the loop down 3 steps. Nonetheless, cutting and pasting this unfortunate loop set up a loverly groove for the remix.

Added MIDI bass ( BooBass), backup vocals, a classic hiphop drum beat, bones and synths to build up mix. ElRon recorded guitar using a hollow body Ibanez.

To add color to the trombones, CSoul’s trumpet was added to the horn section.

“Come Back” backup vocals: Frank Carter III, Wilburson, Bradsucks (outro only), Electric Paul (outro only)

Drums: DJ Peabird (hiphop kick), Grapes (hihat), Nickleus (snare)

The Sytrus VSTi pulsing synth parts uses two mix tracks (one panned left and one right)with the same preset (action 3). Each track uses a unique Gross Beat fx trance glitch setting.

"Come Back to Me"
by texasradiofish

2015 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.

Editorial pick

“Come Back to Me” is a must listen! With Songboy3’s heart-stirring, powerful vocals, texasradiofish has produced a totally modern, soulful, blues-hit with guitar that will evoke a deeper love inside you. Along with other great source, our Galveston Maestros have cleverly created the ccMixter choir in the outro featuring Brad Sucks & Wilburson. Check this out!
