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Dust from the Stars - Vocals + Loops

uploaded: Thu, Sep 6, 2012 @ 5:17 AM last modified: Thu, Sep 6, 2012 @ 5:21 AM  (add)
byTeam Smile and Nod
FeaturingKara Square, Rich Ratvasky (OSTrich)
Recommends (46)
Here’s the first single and title track from our upcoming 3rd album. The vocals in the zip are dry. We included a few loops from the original, too. Hope you dig!

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Convoluted in cloudy memory
Sneaking into my thoughts
Vaguely remember
Something, something
Something, something
Was lost

There you are Dust from the stars
Everything, nothing more
Particles for the heart
Dust from the stars

Had a hint in my pocket
Now my pocket disappeared
In the end it didn’t matter
Felt you near

There you are Dust from the stars
Everything, nothing more
Particles for the heart
Dust from the stars
The stars


Secret message in my head
P- pull the cork- open it
F- find the answer
Write it down
Buh-buh-buh-bury it deep
Buh-buh-buh-bury it deep
Buh-buh-buh-bury it deep

There you are Dust from the stars
Everything, nothing more
Particles for the heart
Dust from the stars
Dust from the stars
There you are Dust from the stars
Everything, nothing more
Particles for the heart
Dust from the stars.

"Dust from the Stars - Vocals + Loops"
by Team Smile and Nod

2012 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial Share-Alike (3.0)

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