Imagination Rising Remix Event
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Innocence and Deseree

uploaded: Sat, Sep 12, 2015 @ 6:49 AM
FeaturingAdmiral Bob
Recommends (18)
My friend said had I heard anything about her. I replied that I had not but we both agreed she was wonderful!

Once again the great backing track is supplied by the Admiral

It’s a day of innocence and wonder a dawning moment when mysteries will be solved
A grand reminder of all that lies before us
And the beauty that can lie within us all.

For you are like the radio that plays my favourite sounds that satisfies my soul
A brighter light than my eyes have ever seen these golden days will soon be mine to hold

Deseree where are you

And I will climb the highest point of interest beyond the avenues where love starts to unfold
Escape the pressures of whatever you can give me
Live in the innocence that only you control

For I am king and this is all my country
The fields of plenty are mine to reap and sow
And you will always be carried in my memory
I’ll always think of you wherever I may go

As I walk the last few streets to your house remembering your smile
The way you made me the richest of the richest
The way you blessed me for just a little while

For these are the days of innocence of wander of mysteries all now solved
Grand reminders of all we have experienced
A faded beauty but a treasure to behold.

"Innocence and Deseree"
by radiotimes

2015 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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