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Lullaby by _ghost (with vocals Narva9)

uploaded: Sun, Apr 15, 2007 @ 8:09 PM last modified: Sun, Apr 15, 2007 @ 8:10 PM  (add)
Featuring_ghost, Yvonne
Recommends (9)
Because _ghost’s Lulluby was so beautiful :-)

Raw vocal track is also uploaded. : )


Tears that trickle down, never touch the ground
Voices reaching high, never makes a sound
In this isolation found, a peace that never was
Time to speak to earth, and the skies above

Can you feel the joy
Can you feel the pain
Can you feel what’s inside

Can you feel the joy
Can you feel the pain
Can you feel what’s outside

Never ending strain, that which is life
In an endless wheel, of love and love and strife
Sun comes up again, only to go down once more
Do not fight the fight, it’s just life, just life

Can you feel the joy
Can you feel the pain
Can you feel what’s outside

Can you feel the joy
Can you feel the pain
Can you feel what’s inside

It’s life, it’s life, it’s just life
It’s life, it’s life, it’s life, it’s just life

"Lullaby by _ghost (with vocals Narva9)"
by narva9

2007 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial

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