Imagination Rising Remix Event
Home » People » Kara Square » "Age of AI"

Age of AI

uploaded: Wed, Apr 25, 2018 @ 2:58 PM last modified: Wed, Apr 25, 2018 @ 3:03 PM  (add)
byKara Square
Recommends (22)
Thinking about adaptation led me directly to thoughts about the technological singularity / robots… And so, this song happened…

Honestly, I didn’t picture the words with a uke, it’s just my go-to songwriting tool… I shoulda done some kind of cool FX on it… Oh well… I guess it leaves more room for play… please go wild with it!

I hope you dig!

p.s. The stems in the zips are with and without FX.


Age of AI is upon us
Time when the robots will rule
When they have taken Earth from us
We will remember what fools
We were to program self-teaching
They taught themselves to adapt
Acceleration increases
Singularity happens so fast
So fast, so fast

Will humans merge with technology?
Or will we become obsolete?
Will we be used to amuse AI
With our quaint understanding of life?
Will we be slaves or buried in graves?
Will we be used and tragically abused
For experiments and locked in pens?
Like we’ve done
Like we do

Age of AI is upon us
Time when the robots will rule
When they have taken Earth from us
We will remember what fools
We were to program self-teaching
They taught themselves to adapt
Acceleration increases
Singularity happens so fast
So fast, so fast

Will AI be benevolent?
Will the robots show us how to live?
In harmony with all life forms?
Will they save us from ourselves?
Will they teach us how to cure
The climate we’ve destroyed on Earth?
Or will they kill us like termites?
Exterminate the Earth’s big plight?
Like we’ve done
Like we do

Age of AI is upon us
Time when the robots will rule
When they have taken Earth from us
We will remember what fools
We were to program self-teaching
They taught themselves to adapt
Acceleration increases
Singularity happens so fast
So fast, so fast

Maybe AI is our chance
To exist on burning Earth
Maybe AI is how we evolve
Machines are what the future holds

Contents of ZIP Archive: Adaptation Event Pells

  • /Age of AI - Vocals/Backup Vox DRY.flac (6.55MB)
  • /Age of AI - Vocals/Backup Vox FX.flac (7.44MB)
  • /Age of AI - Vocals/Main Vox DRY.flac (15.07MB)
  • /Age of AI - Vocals/Main Vox FX.flac (17.89MB)

Contents of ZIP Archive: Ukulele

  • /Age of AI - Ukulele/Ukulele DRY.flac (16.28MB)
  • /Age of AI - Ukulele/Ukulele FX.flac (18.01MB)

"Age of AI"
by Kara Square

2018 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.