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Cry Wolf - Vocal Stems

uploaded: Tue, May 10, 2011 @ 12:01 PM last modified: Tue, May 10, 2011 @ 12:05 PM  (add)
byKara Square
FeaturingFireproof Babies
Recommends (18)
Fireproof Babies invited me to add vocals to this song. Ummm… yes! As you’ll probably be able to hear, I had some fun. I believe this is the first time I have ever howled for a song… like a wolf, not a dog. Thank you, FB- it was a pleasure to work with you again.

If there were a time for the world to end
Seems the signs point to now, my friend
If there were a time for the world to end
Seems the signs point to now, my friend
If there were a time for the world to end
Seems the signs point to now, my friend

But I don’t wish to cry wolf
Cry wolf, cry wolf, cry wolf

Howls… yelps…

When I would fret, when I was a kid
About the devastation of this world
And the likeliness that all would end
My mother would tell me
How everybody felt this way throughout the 70s
And probably always
And I would say
At some point
It must come true…

It must come true…


But I don’t wish to cry wolf
Cry wolf…

If there were a time for the world to end
Seems the signs point to now, my friend
If there were a time for the world to end
Seems the signs point to now, my friend
If there were a time for the world to end.

Contents of ZIP Archive: Vocal Stems

  • /Wolf_Vocal_Stems/._1VOX.wav (82)
  • /Wolf_Vocal_Stems/._1VOX2.wav (82)
  • /Wolf_Vocal_Stems/._1voxBULLET.wav (82)
  • /Wolf_Vocal_Stems/1VOX.wav (19.95MB)
  • /Wolf_Vocal_Stems/1VOX2.wav (19.95MB)
  • /Wolf_Vocal_Stems/1voxBULLET.wav (19.95MB)

"Cry Wolf - Vocal Stems"
by Kara Square

2011 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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