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Get It On Mix

uploaded: Tue, Apr 8, 2008 @ 2:22 AM last modified: Fri, Oct 5, 2012 @ 2:58 AM  (replace)
Recommends (22)
I guess I spent a while on this one but not on the music and programming. Getting the vocals to fit in the groove was the time consuming part. I used the Melodyne Plug-In to move the vocals forward and backwards into place. Sometimes it worked and other times it didn’t. You’ll hear certain sections where the vocals are a bit out of sync but I did the best I could. Another issue was trying to make the rap vocals “intelligible” within my mix. Higher tempo rap makes it more difficult. One of my favorite uptempo “rap” mixes is “Crooked” by Evil 9 and it’s very difficult to completely follow the lyrics at that tempo. The backbone of this track is actually another track I had already been working on. I just got the idea to add some rap vocals and see if it would work. I ended up changing the music and bassline to fit the rap. I really wish rap artists would experiment more with tempo. It seems today that all rap artists stay in that slow and overused tempo groove. Go back and listen to NWA 100 Miles And Runnin’. Now THAT…is original! Thanks to Forensic for offering an uptempo rap. Kcentric and Songboy are much appreciated as well! : )

"Get It On Mix"
by Lasswell

2008 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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