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Beginnings & Endings

uploaded: Sun, Aug 17, 2008 @ 3:35 PM
byJohnny SockHead
FeaturingAnchor Mejans, essesq, Zendada
Recommends (13)
The club dance floor is dimly lit. It’s late. The stage band has played ALL NITE and will play ONE LAST slow dance song. Grab your date, sway to the music and contemplate the future…

I have thought a lot about beginnings and endings.
Why do they look the same?
Rosy dawn marks the end of the night as the day begins,
and blushing sunset,the end of the day as we enter the night.
They are thin lines undetected by the soul,
which does not conduct business in terms of units of measure.
I have thought a lot about beginnings and endings,
And I wonder, yes I why we mark them at all.
I have thought a whole lot about beginnings and endings,
And I wonder why we mark them at all.

January, February, March, April, May, June, July…
The pages of the calendar go flyin’ off like in an old-timey movie.
August, September, October, November, finally December.
One O’Clock, Three O’Clock, Six, Nine, Midnight.

Birth, life, death yeah yeah…beginnings and endings.

I have thought alot about beginnings and endings.
Why do they look the same? Why do they look the same?
Rosy dawn, end of the night, blushing sunset, end of day.
Oh bye bye baby, bye bye blackbird.
Farewell you buffalo gals.
Ring around the rosie, pocket full of posies.
Goodnight ladies. Goodnight.
Like a patient, etherized upon the table.
Oh, do not say.

Vocals: Anchor Mejans.
Lovely Guitar: Zendada.
Lyrics by essesq.
Additional lyrics by Anchor Mejans include references to “The Wasteland” & “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” by T.S. Elliot.
Music Construction: Johnny SockHead.
Visit essesq at
Visit Anchor Mejans at http://anchormejans.blogspo....
Visit Zendada at

"Beginnings & Endings"
by Johnny SockHead

2008 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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