Imagination Rising Remix Event
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Groovenator Rex

uploaded: Wed, Oct 5, 2011 @ 6:46 PM last modified: Wed, Oct 5, 2011 @ 6:53 PM  (add)
FeaturingSackjo22, Alex Beroza, Admiral Bob, unreal_dm, CSoul, Jeris
Recommends (22)
Just when you thought the Ccmixta-funkatron was long gone…Bam!!! They’re back again in a whole new configuration of metamorphfunkasis.

I am pleased to announce that joining us now, in the mix, for a slice if deep space grrroooove is:

Alex Beroza-Synth bass and Mothership alarms
unreal_dm-skank guitar
Admiral Bob-lead guitar and electric bass
Csoul-bumpin’ on the organ
Jeris-on the Baritone Sax

Remember—You gotta feel it way down deep inside. Thats where the funk comes from.

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"Groovenator Rex"
by spinningmerkaba

2011 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Share-Alike (3.0)

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