Funk It: How It Is (ft Alex & unreal_dm)
uploaded: Mon, Oct 3, 2011 @ 11:59 PM last modified: Mon, Oct 3, 2011 @ 11:59 PM (replace)
Couldn’t let the funk bandwagon pass by without jumpin’ on… .
dry vocal stems uploaded in zip — performances are a bit sloppy but started this a few weeks back and got sidetracked with other things… sure you know how that is…and probably could have continued tweaking the mix ad infinitum… .you probably know how that is too… .
tubed_by_you, media, remix, trackback, in_video, acapella, acappella, melody, bpm_100_105, in_podcast, ccplus, share_alike, audio, mp3, 48k, stereo, CBR, archive, zip, alex, female_vocals, funk, groove, guitar, harmonies, rhythm_and_blues, r_and_b, soulful, unreal_dm
Contents of ZIP Archive: How it Is: Dry Vox Stems
The Mixversation
Recommended by:
Wired Ant, musikpirat, Zep Hurme, Admiral Bob (admiralbob77), CSoul, Speck, unreal_dm, panu (panumoon), CiggiBurns, cdk, spinningmerkaba (jlbrock44), timberman (Per), Anchor (anchormejans), Kara Square (mindmapthat), J.Lang (djlang59), septahelix, Jeris (VJ_Memes), Exorcist, VickyDan (Vicky), Zapac, Alex (AlexBeroza), Mana Junkie, Bocrew, AT (audiotechnica), Ezra Skull (Haskel), texasradiofish, slumberlords, copperhead, ejc, Snowflake, julekb, Steven M Bryant (stevieb357), coruscate, mwic, Papa_Zulu, SmoJos, wildbillvernon (wildbillburninvernon), My Free Mickey (myfreemickey), Creativecreature, SusanneKumm, Stohgs, franny, Meoow, Apoxode, Bluemillenium Found in 4 playlists
"Funk It: How It Is (ft Alex & unreal_dm)"
by SackJo22 2011 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike (3.0) Click here for how to give credit and other conditions. ![]() Samples are used in: |