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The Faust Re-Cycled

uploaded: Fri, Feb 5, 2010 @ 8:03 AM last modified: Mon, Feb 8, 2010 @ 1:48 PM  (add)
FeaturingErgo Phizmiz
Recommends (10)
“The Faust Re-Cycled” is a remix-project in connexion with the the biggest/hughest creative commons release so far: “The Faust Cycle” by Ergo Phizmiz, released on on january 1st 2010.
“The Faust Cycle” is an extraordinary album as it embodys 14+ hours [!] of music surrounding the phantastic fable about the house of Dr. Faustus - it is a “musical-comedy of disorientation and magick, somewhere between nightmare and the half-remembered childhood whimsy of an insomniac music-hall artiste”.
more information can be found here:
where you can also download the whole piece for free in various formats:
- mp3 [5 chunks / 2 GB]
- FLAC [in one piece / 4 GB]
- ogg [in one piece / 800+ MB]
not to forget the marvellous artwork [DIN A3, 2sided, pdf/jpg/gif].

so here you are.
take the samples and do whatever you like. there are already many genres/styles in the original Faust Cycle - it’s up to you to transfer this samples into something new: invent new genres now.
click, create, communicate.

please send your remixes to:

DEADLINE for submissions is april 30th.

“The Faust Re.Cycle” will be released including your remix on may 21st on under creative commons license for free download.

"The Faust Re-Cycled"
by headphonica

2010 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.