
Reviews for "The Faust Re-Cycled"

The Faust Re-Cycled
by headphonica
Recommends (10)
Fri, Feb 5, 2010 @ 8:03 AM
permalink   Sat, Feb 6, 2010 @ 6:09 AM
Awesome variety of sounds! Love this. Thank you.
permalink   headphonica Mon, Feb 8, 2010 @ 2:27 PM
“The Faust Re-Cycled” is a remix-project in connexion with the the biggest/hughest creative commons release so far: “The Faust Cycle” by Ergo Phizmiz, released on on january 1st 2010.
“The Faust Cycle” is an extraordinary album as it embodys 14+ hours [!] of music surrounding the phantastic fable about the house of Dr. Faustus - it is a “musical-comedy of disorientation and magick, somewhere between nightmare and the half-remembered childhood whimsy of an insomniac music-hall artiste”.
more information can be found here:
where you can also download the whole piece for free in various formats:
- mp3 [5 chunks / 2 GB]
- FLAC [in one piece / 4 GB]
- ogg [in one piece / 800+ MB]
not to forget the marvellous artwork [DIN A3, 2sided, pdf/jpg/gif].

so here you are.
take the samples and do whatever you like. there are already many genres/styles in the original Faust Cycle - it’s up to you to transfer this samples into something new: invent new genres now.
click, create, communicate.

please send your remixes to:

DEADLINE for submissions is april 30th.

“The Faust Re.Cycle” will be released including your remix on may 21st on under creative commons license for free download.
permalink   Tue, Sep 27, 2016 @ 12:12 AM
Thanks. These samples are great and inspire me wide variety of ideas. Thanks again!