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A Sharing Economy

uploaded: Fri, May 4, 2007 @ 11:00 PM last modified: Fri, May 4, 2007 @ 11:56 PM  (replace)
FeaturingBert Kommerij
Recommends (5)
We all have our piano jazz moments.

If you’d like to see an image to go with the reader of this spoken word track, you may click here:

This piece combines my new piece “Pinnacle Mountain” with a spoken word track in Dutch and a world of fun freesound fx.

This is the first of two Dutch remixes, although in fact it is the second of the remixes, which happens to be completed first. In fact, it may also be the first, and the second, actually the first, is first and second a first product of the Thomas Nunnally Ensemble, whose primacy renders, in some ways, this remix as secondary in time, despite being primarily a different type of song first and foremost.

I spend a good bit of my musical life working around my limitations. This remix posed the additional limitation of a very limited understanding of what is being said, enlivened only by cool Dutch words like “Creative Commons” and “Microsoft”. I hope I’ve captured the mood, though, from the sound of the music inherent in the reading. The mix’s length is a function of the reading, which I did not want to edit down in this instance. I am pleased that I think I followed the gist of the discussion, although I have no idea why I was able to do so. I wonder, though, which nuances I missed. It doesn’t matter, as the best thing about any sample is the sound of the sound.

"A Sharing Economy"
by gurdonark

2007 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Sampling Plus

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