Imagination Rising Remix Event
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Die Jugend spaltet das Atom ( Ente des Atomzeitalters Mix)

uploaded: Sat, Feb 16, 2013 @ 9:30 PM
FeaturingHans Atom
Recommends (18)
I try to see where an artist’s tendencies lead me in secret mixter, so as to let their flavor come through whatever I do with their work; in Hans’ case, the leanings were uptempo, danceable yet melodic arrangements with a certain affection for the synths and sounds of the 80’s.. working on this has reminded me of the enormous (and still strong) influence of German artists on the evolution of electronic music (perhaps not well-illustrated with my remix, but the thought was there..)
Anyway, hope Hans and the rest of you enjoy..

"Die Jugend spaltet das Atom ( Ente des Atomzeitalters Mix)"
by duckett

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