Imagination Rising Remix Event
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Just Breathe (Donkey Kicks in the Operatic Remix)

uploaded: Sun, Jun 17, 2012 @ 12:13 AM last modified: Sun, Jun 17, 2012 @ 12:25 AM  (add)
byDonkey Horse Mule
Recommends (26)
DJ Lang was the first remix I did on ccmixter, so I was excited to be given this opportunity. Also, this is the first mix that I have had time to do since my baby was born in January, so this project has been liberating to say the least.

The more I worked with this acappella the more I liked it. It is freakin sweet, and has a thoughtful message, which is refreshing. I am a progressive house DJ mind, body and soul, so I am not very adept at constructing a good hip hop track. A good hip hop track seems to begin with a sweet hook, heavy from the start, mixed with a powerful acappella, and just carries this through with maybe some added substance at the end. Whereas my inclination is to start simple and build within the track towards a climax, giving as much prominence to the vocal as the instrumental. Also, I am a sucker for repetition. It’s like brain candy to me. With this remix I did of DJ Lang’s Just Breath, I may lose people with the stripped down beginning, but hopefully some stick around to listen through to the combining of elements in the end.

Note - samples in the middle are taken from Freesound and are also attribution noncommercial. There seems to be a bug with ccmixter tonight where I cannot link to them. They are:
by any means.wav attribution

Police Cars pass with sirens blaring

Radio Garble

"Just Breathe (Donkey Kicks in the Operatic Remix)"
by Donkey Horse Mule

2012 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.

Samples are used in: