
How I Did It

Just Breathe (Donkey Kicks in...
by Donkey Horse Mule
Recommends (25)
Sun, Jun 17, 2012 @ 12:13 AM

Samples are used in:


Tools I Used

Reason 6.5

Samples I Used

Corruption on DJ Lang's samples: The drum sequence from Angel

has been filtered through several effects boxes in order to add some

grit and compression at different frequencies. The acappella I left as

is, because it is pure brilliance. The final drum sequence at the end

of the track has an LFO filter applied and other unnatural

adulterations, including reverb, compression and delay.

The middle sequence of the track includes three samples from Free

Sound, which I felt echoed the message of the track nicely. Actually I

found some other samples that I think made for a stronger mix, but

these were taken from several public speeches recorded in a

Original Samples

Remainder created in Reason


Gradually over the period of 2 weeks