Imagination Rising Remix Event
Home » People » Admiral Bob » "Shadows in the Hourglass"

Shadows in the Hourglass

uploaded: Sat, Nov 15, 2014 @ 11:22 PM last modified: Sun, Nov 16, 2014 @ 9:11 PM  (add)
byAdmiral Bob
Recommends (35)
So who am I mixing? Some guys from Texas seems like. I took a Latin beat they did, a neat little bass and piano groove, added even more Latin to it, an vocal, and some geetar.

Shadows in the Hourglass

And it’s all left up to me
I’d rather we go fishing
I don’t just let anything be
I just leave it for the wishing

Oh you carry all that suffering
I won’t add to what you carry
Your footsteps echo in your mothering
Who you are, it just stays buried

Oooooh, you will never know
Ooooh, how to let them go
Ooooh, I watch you in the quicksand
Like shadows in the hourglass

And it’s all left up to you
You’d rather be off sleeping
But no, you can’t just let it be
Like your alarm clock beeping

Oh I’m watching all this suffering
Am I part of what you carry?
Your footsteps echo in the dirty shame
I cannot leave you buried

Oooooh, you will never know
Ooooh, how to let it go
Ooooh, I watch you in the quicksand
Like shadows in the hourglass

"Shadows in the Hourglass"
by Admiral Bob

2014 - Licensed under
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