Imagination Rising Remix Event
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She Wears My Shadow

uploaded: Tue, May 14, 2013 @ 12:32 PM
FeaturingAudiotechnica, Haskel Joseph (HEJ31)
Recommends (31)
You can’t escape your heritage baby — it’s in your DNA.

This song is rather personal reaching into some of my cellular ideas about identity. I don’t think my skill set has evolved to really get the mix I hear in my head. (In the back of my mind were “The Gift” by the Velvet Underground and Patti Smith.) I could have messed with levels and panning and whatnot ad infinitum but there are other songs lurking… .(But as always, helpful production hints are always welcome — like how can I minimize the hiss sound from Haskel’s amp?)

Special thanks to Audiotechnica for generously sharing great source material. His deep bass groove inspired the entire feel of this song. And of course, Haskel made it happen for me with his fine guitar stylin’s.

Stems uploaded soon (gotta bounce them first).


everyday She breaks my heart
cuz she just wants to go
everyday she breaks my heart
I just want to keep her close
everyday she breaks my heart
as I watch her go
I love her so

she’s getting ready to launch
but her feet are heavy
she keeps forgetting
promises she made
despite her dreams
she questions if she’s ready
unless that reticence
is really coming from me

she’ll sing on the street but she won’t sing for us
though I thought I understood her more than anybody else
Understanding or projection or just maternal expectation
I recognize her harmony and her timing
in the pictures sometimes
you can’t even tell us apart

She grabs my shadow from the closet
puts it on
pausing by the mirror as she gets ready to leave
what she doesn’t know when she looks at her reflection
is that she is wearing my history

everyday she breaks my heart

I’ve given her my blessing
I’ve given her my trust
I’ve given her my gold
and I’ve given her my sleep
I’ve given her my faith
I’ve given her the clothes I wore
when I was seventeen

everyday she breaks my heart
she really wants to go
I just want to keep her close

"She Wears My Shadow"
by SackJo22

2013 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.

Editorial pick

Invoking Patti Smith and the Velvet Underground, SackJo22 bares her soul with this powerful, passionate rock & roll. Haskel (HEJ31) wails with emotion on the guitar and Audiotechnica pushes the track with a massive bass line. Yes.

Kara Square

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