Imagination Rising Remix Event
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Come Up For Air

uploaded: Wed, Jan 26, 2011 @ 10:43 PM last modified: Fri, Feb 11, 2011 @ 5:31 PM  (add)

FeaturingAlex, Anchor Mejans, Snowflake, Magic Moon
Recommends (46)
It all started with Alex. Then there was Anchor. Magic Moon’s whispers are divine. And Snowflake added the finishing touch. The lyrics are an amalgamation of lyrics shared by these artists.

As always, mastering tips are helpful! This track is monstrous with a lot of instrumental and vocal tracks — I did my best to eq everything, but clearly, I’m still learning. While the arrangement is pretty simple, this is certainly my most ambitious attempt at mastering so far.

A version of this song mastered by Abstract Audio can be found here.

Vocal parts uploaded separately.

Come up for air come up to breathe
You’ve been submerged for centuries

Let go and rise
Let go and rise
Let go and rise
Rise to the light

I hear your voice calling me

A river of heaven flows through me

Emerge in love

"Come Up For Air"
by SackJo22

2011 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.

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