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A Capella Miss Miss Kiss Kiss

uploaded: Thu, Jun 19, 2008 @ 8:52 AM
byKaer Trouz
Recommends (25)
DURDEN put this dramatic little number up, and I couldn’t resist, oh the drama! This pell was difficult to record due to its volume, and my rinky dink set-up. It’s not the prettiest, just a warning. Lots of harmonic squeaks and breathlessness.I hope my downstairs neighbor’s heart shunt stayed in place during the 17 or more takes of this I blasted out over the course of 2 mornings.

I hope tomorrow it never comes
I’m feeling lonely and here you are
And the world just falls away
Because we’re close tonight I feel safe
Because the moon and the stars align
everything’s perfect when you’re mine
I am yours forever
Our sutures never sever
I float away in my hot daydreaming
the endless want
the endless scheming
to get you back into my arms again
It’s a perfect tradgedy
I’ll be writing love songs for you and me
until my eyes die baby
until my eyes die

"A Capella Miss Miss Kiss Kiss"
by Kaer Trouz

2008 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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