Home » People » KatazTrophee » "BE"


uploaded: Tue, Jul 6, 2010 @ 9:43 AM last modified: Wed, Oct 13, 2010 @ 11:30 AM  (add)
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When I made this one I was really shooting for something upbeat and uplifting. I was inspired by some IDM and glitch music at the time. I didn’t really approach that sound, I just kind of made my own thing with it.

The drums have a sort-of chugging feel to them, in contrast to how smooth I used the samples. All of Kaer Trouz material is useful in many different ways…

I was also experimenting with different ways to manipulate stereo effects at the time and one of the ways I did it in this track was to loop the intro and slowly swap the stereo on every drum. Subtle, but I thought it was interesting.
Play BE

by KatazTrophee

2010 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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