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Reviews for "Pollinators"

by Snowflake
Recommends (23)
Sat, Jun 4, 2022 @ 9:05 PM

Uses samples from:

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Admiral Bob
permalink   Sat, Jun 4, 2022 @ 9:38 PM
The lyric is a word painting that forms the images you’d expect - small critters walking themselves full of pollen and flying from flower to flower. But you don’t see bees or hummingbirds putting off the flight to the next flower…. I guess we oughtn’t either.

I really like the groove from Darkroom - clay meets Rhodes. Two vintage keys I like.
permalink   Snowflake Mon, Jun 6, 2022 @ 8:58 AM
Great point in your words of wisdom, let’s not put off our pollination work — it really is a pleasure right?

Darkroom’s groove hooked me immediately - the song wrote itself.
permalink   Sat, Jun 4, 2022 @ 10:23 PM
You absolutely nailed this one, I love this so much. The way the words play off the groove is a match made in heaven. This goes beyond any vision I had for this music. The message is great and meaningful too. I am going to be downloading this one. Thank you for the wonderful gift.
permalink   Snowflake Mon, Jun 6, 2022 @ 8:59 AM
I was so thrilled when I first heard CCFunk - it opened a channel and everything else flowed from there. So glad you like it!
permalink   Sat, Jun 4, 2022 @ 11:38 PM
Bravo, beautiful work and mainly on the vocals always so pleasant to listen.
permalink   Snowflake Mon, Jun 6, 2022 @ 8:59 AM
Thank you for listening and for your encouragement my friend!
permalink   Sun, Jun 5, 2022 @ 1:34 AM
Classy mix and great vocals
permalink   Snowflake Mon, Jun 6, 2022 @ 9:00 AM
Thank you my friend. I love your mix!
permalink   Sun, Jun 5, 2022 @ 3:00 AM
Wow, absolutely great song. Got me after the first couple seconds. Great idea to re-arrange them to the beginning!
permalink   Snowflake Mon, Jun 6, 2022 @ 9:01 AM
Thank you for listening! Darkroom gave such great quality stems, it was simple work to cut them up and move them around. Cheers!
permalink   Sun, Jun 5, 2022 @ 7:08 AM
Super sweet and funky :)
permalink   Snowflake Mon, Jun 6, 2022 @ 9:01 AM
Thank you my friend! And a special thanks to you for creating two secret mixter tracks so no one would be left behind….
Kara Square
permalink   Sun, Jun 5, 2022 @ 8:30 AM
The truth of this hits my heart with deep sadness… we do need a miracle.

You and Darkroom are an incredible combo. You both do downtempo chill so well. This remix is SO DAMN COOL. Brilliant. And affecting.

May this help inspire humanity to change.
permalink   Snowflake Mon, Jun 6, 2022 @ 9:02 AM
Our songs have a lot of parallels ;) I believe in miracles! Thanks for listening with your heart.
permalink   Sun, Jun 5, 2022 @ 8:41 AM
Lovely combination of music and harmonies. Such a clean and direct sound to the mix with nothing superfluous in there. Reminds me of “Seven days” by Sting which has that same sparseness that keeps you hanging on each sound.
permalink   Snowflake Mon, Jun 6, 2022 @ 9:02 AM
Oh I LOVE Seven Days by Sting! But all of that credit goes to Darkroom - he is Sting on this one, I’m just the singer :D
Ezra Skull
permalink   Sun, Jun 5, 2022 @ 12:05 PM
Seamless smooth mix; a fine song (love the chorus); and amazing vocal performance.
permalink   Snowflake Mon, Jun 6, 2022 @ 9:03 AM
Thank you Haskel! It is so wonderful to have you in this Secret Mixter :D
permalink   Sun, Jun 5, 2022 @ 2:30 PM
Gorgeous production. Stunning vocals. Ed picked.
permalink   Snowflake Mon, Jun 6, 2022 @ 9:03 AM
Wow I’m honored! Thank you my dear friend. xoxoxo
permalink   Sun, Jun 5, 2022 @ 2:49 PM
Lovely :)
permalink   Snowflake Mon, Jun 6, 2022 @ 9:04 AM
Thank you xx
permalink   Sun, Jun 5, 2022 @ 8:58 PM
Brilliant minimalism. Captivating vocals. Awesome!

permalink   Snowflake Mon, Jun 6, 2022 @ 9:04 AM
Darkroom was the awesome band here, I was just behind the mic. Thanks for listening!
permalink   Sun, Jun 5, 2022 @ 9:31 PM
A beautifully excited track from top to bottom. Snowflake! Deep lyrics filled with warning and hope. Can’t wait to hear what you’ve got coming out next!
permalink   Snowflake Mon, Jun 6, 2022 @ 9:05 AM
Thanks Spin! I really appreciate you “getting it” - your track is off the charts!
permalink   spinningmerkaba Mon, Jun 6, 2022 @ 11:54 AM
We really do need to take action—pollinating is such a great metaphor for movement that is in harmony with nature.

permalink   Thu, Jun 9, 2022 @ 1:05 PM
This works in my ears
permalink   Sun, Jun 12, 2022 @ 10:04 AM
I absolutely love everything about this. Superb composition, great vocal. Flawless