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Music used in games and apps

permalink   Wed, May 9, 2012 @ 1:23 PM
Just noticed one of my songs here have been used in an iPhone game app together with music from a few other ccm artists. Maybe time to expand the “I used or saw”-feature with “game” and “app”.
Just a thought in these modern times.

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permalink   timberman Thu, May 10, 2012 @ 8:57 PM
In this case I think all tracks are OK for commercial use.
Still, a bit amusing that curiosity made me pay 99 cents to hear my own music.
permalink   Super_Sigil Sun, May 13, 2012 @ 5:02 AM
lol! what are ya gonna do?
permalink   Sun, May 13, 2012 @ 5:01 AM
Yeah, you could add that option, or just an “Other” or “Misc” one. Most people don’t use them though.

On a side note, I think this raises some concerns I have. One, is that noncommercial or creative commons culture is simply a way to give in to piracy rather than a way to grow and individuate, and two, that said culture will simply be commercialized in some form.
permalink   timberman Sun, May 13, 2012 @ 8:40 AM
Interesting concerns you have. I have no good answer to them and the pros and cons of the cc-by licence have been discussed here before.
Thinking about this particular case, the app was released last year and has been top 20 on the top downloaded games list over at Apple’s app store.
I don’t think 100 000 downloads worldwide is an unrealistic figure x the equivalent of 99 cents in yens, euros and pounds.
That’s a bit of money for the app owner (one individual) and for Apple (their commission).
I hope the owner is genuinely thankful to his providers of free music that’s made life more fun and finally making that trip to the French Riviera possible.
Is this immoral? Yes and no. Yes, If it was me, I would at least have sent an email to the artists involved thanking them for their generosity.
And no, how one decides to licence one’s own material here is an active decision. The app developer has done nothing wrong. The attribution is there and to my knowledge that’s what’s required.
Am I bitter? No. I’ve got food on the table and I still love my Apple products.
permalink   Super_Sigil Mon, May 14, 2012 @ 3:08 AM
Yeah, I can agree with you here, especially considering the license. However, I do think the music adds more value to society than the game. Just as I feel I add more value with my art and music than I do at my real job.
permalink   Fri, Jul 13, 2012 @ 10:16 PM
You should be happy your song has been used for I phone app..
permalink   Mon, Jul 23, 2012 @ 6:27 AM
As a developer I would like to use some music for a game. Missing the option “used in game/app” I just found this thread. I would really appreciate that option.
A donate Button could be a possibility to share easily the commercial success with the musician.

You have always the possibility to publish using NC option.

There is also a risk for the developer using free for commercial stuff. Since anyone could just clone the app using same music etc.