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permalink   Wed, Jul 6, 2005 @ 8:34 AM
Q: Has there ever been any talk about CCMixter hosting it’s own podcast?

I would love to hear shows by different Mixters. It would be great for promotion and gives people yet another reason to visit CCMixter. Not to mention getting to know each other better.

We probably have the best online music community anywhere. Let’s kick it up another notch.

But we would have to share the work load. I’m sure Victor doesn’t need more things to do. (We’d have to ask him real nice to set it up though).

Just as an example, if we got eight people to agree to host, that would be two months of weekly shows right there.

Anyways just a thought. I know nobody ever answers me in the Forums(‘cause I smell funny or something) but your input would really be appreciated. : )
permalink   Wed, Jul 6, 2005 @ 8:41 AM
it’s on the way teru, there’s been a very active discussion in just the last few days.

i’ve also been thinking about ‘personal podcasts’ where you can tag your own songs and we’ll generate a podcast for you from here. (this one is time or volunteer coder permitting)

permalink   Wed, Jul 6, 2005 @ 9:18 AM
OK. Now that was fast! Too cool. : )

Thanks Victor.
permalink   Fri, Jul 15, 2005 @ 4:53 AM
What is Podcast? It sure sounds like fun.
On another note. To bad we can’t see who’s on line in case we want to chat, or share some ideals.

permalink   Fri, Jul 15, 2005 @ 7:13 AM
Podcast explained:

"who’s online" is in the’new version of mixter we are beta testing.

permalink   Sun, Jul 17, 2005 @ 2:16 AM
teru, your avatar plays with my mind. part says wtf is that, another part tries to magnify it. never fails..

regarding the podcast/show thing. I think it’d be neat to be exposed to each mixter’s playlists.
Southbound Cinema
permalink   Thu, Jul 21, 2005 @ 4:24 PM
This is an extraordinary idea, and I want to be a part of it, big time. Creativelycommon isn’t kidding: this really is the best online music community I’ve ever seen. The nature of CC Mixter alone almost guarantees community interaction, and a lot of showing off.

So yeah, next step, personal podcasts.

After that, I’d love to see CC Mixter sponsor a few LIVE events. Perhaps a college tour. I used to work in campus activities at Texas State, and people would definitely be into hearing what the CC Mixter community has to offer.

Teru’s avatar reminds me of a Frank Miller hand, like something out of "Dark Knight Returns" or "Sin City."