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sylvain moreau
permalink   Sat, Jan 12, 2008 @ 6:52 AM
well of course the #1 feature is “search” on forum :P
i guess someone allready said that but i dunno cause … i can’t search for it
permalink   Sat, Jan 12, 2008 @ 3:03 PM
click on ‘advanced search’ at the top of this page, select ‘forum’ from the drop down. Even better, use the google search box there.
permalink   sylvain moreau Sun, Jan 13, 2008 @ 5:13 AM
dam ‘im stupid… i was on advanced search and didn’t see it :P
sylvain moreau
permalink   Sat, Mar 22, 2008 @ 12:49 PM
And how can we search thru A cappellas ? with nice search criterias suh as MALE / FEMALE
imagine i need “melody” or “spoken” but no “rap” … etc …
+ sort by recommends ..

lots of work to do there :)

+ when you clic on a profile or song then come back on search page .. YOU’r BACK TO the beggining of list ! 8[ that is anoying :P

spent long time listeneing to cappellas and now i dunno where i was in my search list :P i’ll wait for new ccmixter update to search cappellas again it’s to hard
permalink   victor Sat, Mar 22, 2008 @ 3:58 PM
Quote: sylvain moreauAnd how can we search thru A cappellas ? with nice search criterias suh as MALE / FEMALE
imagine i need “melody” or “spoken” but no “rap” … etc …

search term: acappella -spoken_word

The minus sign and underscore are important.

Quote: sylvain moreau
+ sort by recommends ..

For whatever reason very few pells get recommends so that just wouldn’t very helpful. ( for the curious)

Quote: sylvain moreau
+ when you clic on a profile or song then come back on search page .. YOU’r BACK TO the beggining of list ! 8[ that is anoying :P

For now the work around is: instead of left-clicking on the upload’s link, right-click and select ‘Open in New Tab’, that way you won’t lose your place.

MC Jack in the Box
permalink   Fri, Mar 28, 2008 @ 11:56 PM
speaking of search…..

maybe i’m just a dummy but alot of times, i’d just like to be able to search by bpm everything in the browser archive, but i think you have to go in now and manually click each box one at a time. even if there was a way to toggle all the boxes on would be great.

what would be even more awesome would be to be able to search by bpm instead of a range but a field you could enter. but i guess that would require alot more prudent tagging.

anyways, you guys rock and you know who you are so keep on rockin
permalink   victor Sat, Mar 29, 2008 @ 12:17 PM
er, you lost me, which browser and checkboxes are we talking about?
permalink   MC Jack in the Box Sat, Mar 29, 2008 @ 5:33 PM
from the samples tab in the main menu bar, i click the browse tab. in the “search using tags” frame, how can we toggle them all on so that when i add a bpm range, it will show me everything in that range.
permalink   victor Sun, Mar 30, 2008 @ 11:06 AM
ah, short answer is no.

since you want everything I suggest browsing by tags (change the last part of the URL to match the BPM range you want)

to go “digging” for samples that haven’t been used start here

unfortunately thanks to the dweeb that wrote the code the BPM field the user enters is not searchable and a tag for every BPM would pollute the tag system with literally 100+ more tags. (Besides I would claim it saves to time to not have to dig for samples that are ‘close enough’.)

You know, I was focused on making digging for specific kinds of samples possible/easy it just didn’t occur to me that this kind of indiscriminate bpm-only search was a way folks work… is this a really huge hole?
permalink   MC Jack in the Box Sun, Mar 30, 2008 @ 1:20 PM
short answer… is for me. :)

but maybe that’s just me. i organize all my source samples by bpm.
permalink   victor Sun, Mar 30, 2008 @ 1:23 PM
no matter the style or instrument? that’s cool… let me think about the best way to approach that.
permalink   teru Sun, Mar 30, 2008 @ 1:32 PM
Yay! Thanks MCJitB and Victor.

The older browser allowed for searches for as little as 3 characters. I used to use the sample browser a lot that way by typing in the BPM. I was missing the ability to do that. : )
permalink   MC Jack in the Box Sun, Mar 30, 2008 @ 2:55 PM
yeah, thanks to both of you. like teru mentioned, there was something in the old functionality that let me do this i think. now if i only choose a range in the bpm pull down menu, it asks me to “Enter a search phrase first…”.

maybe if we can bypass this step?

and yeah, maybe i’m backwards but i like to keep it all organized by bpm, since i’m either going to create something from scratch or sample it, and if i’m gonna sample it, i’ll probably already have an idea of what bpm i’m goihg to work in. plus, it helps match up those pellas people submit with bpm tags to the site pretty quickly. it’s not foolproof obviously, but it works for this fool.