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Get Back to Where You Once Belonged. . .JoJo!

Doghouse Riley
permalink   Fri, Nov 16, 2007 @ 11:03 AM
Hey, is it just ol moi or does this here happen to you too? Lets say yor perusin through the a cappellas and ya see one that looks interestin. So, ya click on it and then “stream” it to listen. Ya like it or ya don’t. You click yor “back” button to return to where ya was in the a capella list only, guess what, you don’t go back to where ya was…ya go back to the very beginnin of the a capella list. Or at least I do. How come?
permalink   Fri, Nov 16, 2007 @ 12:16 PM
yes, I found that a bit bothersome, too. To clarify: regardless of what page of the a cappella list on had browsed, to (e.g. page 3), leaving that page and then hitting the browser back button, returns you to page one of the a cappella listing.

I’d also prefer those pages with their own addressable URL rather than JavaScript paging so I could just jump to page 5 or the last page or whatever.

In the meantime I tend to use a workaround with Firefox as my browser:

Instead of regular clicking on the song, that I want to visit, I middle click (press down on the mouse wheel until it clicks) to open the target page in a new tab.

That way, the a cappella listing page stays open in its own tab, while I’m off visiting a particular song’s detail page.

This may work in other tabbed browsers, too.
permalink   Doghouse Riley Fri, Nov 16, 2007 @ 12:51 PM
Thankee there, Spin. I believe that there does the trick. I tried “right” clickin and then “open in new window” and it shore nuff works. I’m shore they’ll get around to fixin that before long as they seem ta run everthang else so well around here. Not to go too off-topic an ya but I see that even tho my pitiful ol magnum opus wadn’t selected as an “editor’s pick” it is in the “hot” podcast thang. How’s that work exactly? Plus, Andreas over at Toontracks says I should enter it into the “competition”. What competition??
permalink   teru Fri, Nov 16, 2007 @ 1:23 PM
Hi Doghouse,

You could always browse by tags instead. I do. I’m old school like that. ; )

I would have Ed picked your track but I just want to hear what you come with next. : )

The “hot” means it’s popular with the listeners here. It’s based on calculations taking downloads and reviews into consideration.

I believe the “competition” may be referring to CalendarSongs. I could be wrong though.
permalink   Doghouse Riley Fri, Nov 16, 2007 @ 1:41 PM
Hey, teru, very nice ta make yor acquaintence. Thanks for yor kind words and, yea, I’m rollin a couple a thangs around in my little pea brain as to what to try next. I’ll do my best not to addle too many brains or shatter too many dreams but, ya know, the heart wants to go where it wants to go and all. And thanks so much fer explainin the system. I’m tryin to learn but, as some say, it’s hard to teach an old dog new tricks.
permalink   victor Fri, Nov 16, 2007 @ 2:03 PM
Quote: How’s that work exactly?

Exactly like this: teru and I have picked a bunch of edpicks recently and we’d prefer if one of the other editors picked it so it doesn’t seem like we are the only ones actually listening to tracks not made by buddies of ours.

might be time to reshuffle the editors.
permalink   Fri, Nov 16, 2007 @ 2:00 PM
Quote: How come?

because of poor web design.

Unfortunately there’s a freeze on what I can change because of inbound dependencies but I think the simple (i.e. quickly doable) solution would be to open the list in a popup then as you click on the title you get to the song page.

I haven’t read the other suggestions (frustrations) here but like I said, that’s easiest for me right now. We are working on ccM 3.0 and page flow (how you get from one page to another) is under major revision.