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Viewing 0 - 12 of 893 matches total
review of 'auld lang syne (old times pell)' by 'kara square' awesome vocals. love your delivery and the whole vibe. so cool.
review of 'embrace yourself' by 'snowflake' so grateful your helmet did its job and that your cognitive brilliance delivered us this vibi...
review of 'ccmixter - playing in the background v20' by 'musikpirat' you never fail to deliver, do you? great idea to include the call ro...
...lovely poem, lovely delivery. *meow*
review of 'dilation (front and center remix)' by 'radioontheshelf' great treatment that adds beautifully to roberts delivery[up][/up]
review of '...and that's not much' by 'radioontheshelf' great juxtaposition between the vocal delivery and the backing track[up][/up]
review of 'the magical sky tree martas dream' by 'javolenus' beautiful words & vocal delivery. [up][/up][up][/up][up][/up]
review of 'boss pidge' by 'texasradiofish' rock out, dan nice rock and so sha pairing. energetic rock well delivers so sha's voice. ...
review of 'the push the pull' by 'texasradiofish' good line, susan "the rhythm of it all" [up][/up][up][/up] rhythmically delivered, too...
review of 'ocotillo' by 'speck' very nice, really well written. i also like your delivery, well paced and not overly dramatic.
review of 'signum magnum' by 'anchor' you did a lovely job delivering the signum magnum. thanks.
...usan's presence and delivery. much enjoyed.
Viewing 1 through 12 of 893 More >>>