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Viewing 0 - 12 of 16 matches total
... "rain lament" and "perfect love" i know that there is a chance for u guys. good luck and have a nice day!! peace -abs
... i m looking for a perfect medium
... downloads all loop perfectly, even if the flash player doesn't always). if you make a remix and want to attribute it through the
...hem here, that'd be perfect. the mix would still have a page, but the mp3 download would point elsewhere. thanks blaine
...oure's music is the perfect blend of tight yet loose. it's been described as saharan/mali blues and that's very apt because the musi
... 1/2 hour long; the perfect length for the average commute. click [url=
...ounds, seems like a perfect source to use for spooky tracks....i can imagine some freaky atmospheric tracks with shrieks, laughter, it off. this is perfectly cool except when they use their own account to do that they are filtered out by the no self-remix rule
...g the rules are not perfect. why not allow someone like me to upload a full track plus some of the included loops and source fil
...a borac 'give me a perfect world' by sun palace 'trad' by barry phillips 'samadhi' by christopher of the wolves 'spheres' by chr
...separate all tracks perfectly (technical reasons) but that shouldn't matter too much i hope. the mp3 demo track gives you an idea w
...on't match my voice perfectly well, but if i like the song, i go for it. i'm really sorry my stuff is hard to work with - i'll try
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