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Magnatune Info Updated

permalink   Sun, Jul 16, 2006 @ 5:02 PM
It’s been a very long time since I’ve updated the Magnatune catalog listing but I’ve automated the process so we shouldn’t fall too far behind again.

Here are the albums we added so you can now browse and listen to:

‘Knives To The Treble’ by Burning Babylon
‘Stereo Mash Up’ by Burning Babylon
‘Legrenzi - Venice Before Vivaldi’ by Richard Savino
‘Mertz - Bardic Sounds’ by Richard Savino
‘Murcia - Danza y Diferencias’ by Richard Savino
‘German Keyboard Masters’ by Janine Johnson
‘J.S. Bach Works For Harpsichord’ by Janine Johnson
‘Elvolution’ by Falik
‘Blame Not My Lute’ by Jacob Heringman
‘Forge’ by Justin Bianco
‘Finality’ by Justin Bianco
‘Phoenix’ by Justin Bianco
‘Apa Ya’ by Apa Ya
‘Soyes Loyal’ by Asteria
‘A Baroque Mosaic’ by The Sarasa Ensemble
‘Violin Sonatas - Brahms Franck Schumann’ by Rudens Turku
‘Switch On - Switch Off’ by Strojovna 07
‘Perspectives 2 - CD1’ by Andreas Haefliger
‘Perspectives 2 - CD2’ by Andreas Haefliger
‘John Jenkins - Six Part Consorts’ by Phantasm
‘Brahms and Schumann’ by Todd Levy and Elena Abend
‘Franz Liszt - Piano Sonata in B Minor’ by Markus Groh
‘Bach Goldberg Variations’ by Janine Johnson
‘Chopin Recital’ by Janine Johnson
‘Downtempo Chill 2’ by DJ Cary
‘Power Synths’ by DJ Cary
‘Blue Ribbon - The Best of William Brooks’ by William Brooks
‘File In Rhythm’ by Beight
‘Making Circles’ by The Seldon Plan
‘South by Southwest Compilation’ by Brad Sucks
‘Seven League Boots’ by Psychokinetics
‘Bohemian Rap CD’ by The Marginal Prophets
‘Stolen Jewels’ by Ensemble Vermillian
‘Mistral’ by Shira Kammen
‘Handel - Atalanta CD1’ by Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra
‘Handel - Atalanta CD2’ by Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra
‘Lunar Ecstasy’ by Mountain Mirrors
‘Mountain Mirrors’ by Mountain Mirrors
‘Sferica’ by DAC Crowell
‘CD1 The Sowebo Concert’ by Jay Kishor - Sitar
‘CD2 The Sowebo Concert’ by Jay Kishor
‘Handel Arias’ by Lorraine Hunt Lieberson
‘Corrette - Le Phenix - Les Delices de la Solitude’ by Musica Franca
‘Boismortier - Sonatas for Two Bassoons and Continuo’ by Musica Franca
‘Elements At Loop 10’ by Liquid Zen
‘Magic Midsummer’ by Liquid Zen
‘Seventythree’ by Liquid Zen
‘Automatic Ordinary’ by Five Star Fall
‘Explode Into Space’ by Rebel Rebel
‘Into Heaven’ by Sun Palace
‘Wanderer’ by Christopher Of The Wolves
‘Welcome Om’ by Christopher of the Wolves
‘First Congregational Church Concert’ by Jay Kishor - Sitar
‘Sanctuary’ by Shane Jackman
‘Box of Fysh’ by Etherfysh
‘The Last of Old England’ by Jeni Melia
‘CD1 Brahms - Three Violin Sonatas’ by Shlomo Mintz
‘CD2 Brahms - Three Violin Sonatas’ by Shlomo Mintz
‘CD1 Mozart - The Violin Concertos’ by Shlomo Mintz
‘CD2 Mozart - The Violin Concertos’ by Shlomo Mintz
‘CD3 Mozart - The Violin Concertos’ by Shlomo Mintz
‘Wanderer - Schubert and Liszt’ by Luiza Borac
‘Give Me a Perfect World’ by Sun Palace
‘Trad’ by Barry Phillips
‘Samadhi’ by Christopher of the Wolves
‘Spheres’ by Christopher of the Wolves
‘Phoenix’ by Ambient Teknology
‘Conversations Galantes’ by Ensemble Mirable
‘La Vie Chill’ by Four Stones
‘Fossildawn’ by Jade Leary
‘Up and Down’ by Glen Bledsoe
‘Cezanne’ by Drop Trio
‘Mixter One’ by Lisa DeBenedictis
permalink   Mon, Jul 17, 2006 @ 7:10 AM
This is good news. I had hoped that albums like “Sferica” and the Etherfysh album would be added here, and now they are.
permalink   Fri, Jul 31, 2009 @ 11:11 AM
Quote: shouldn’t fall too far behind…

famous last words

Here’s the latest update:

‘12 String’ by Jeff Wahl
‘A Circle of Hidden Intentions’ by Greg Williams
‘A Light in the Darkness’ by Jeff Wahl
‘Acoustic Earth - Electric Sky’ by David Modica
‘Aerial Views’ by Brad Senne
‘After Hours’ by AlmaNova
‘Alien Zoology CD1 - Live Archive Vol 4’ by Robert Rich
‘Alien Zoology CD2 - Live Archive Vol 4’ by Robert Rich
‘Allemande’ by Edward Martin
‘Almeria’ by Fernwood
‘Alter Echo Original Soundtrack’ by Jerry Berlongieri
‘Aqua Shiva’ by Amelia Cuni and Werner Durand
‘Bach and Telemann - Sonatas, Preludes and Fantasias’ by Voices of Music
‘Back with Bach’ by Ralph Rousseau Meulenbroeks
‘Beat Beat Beat’ by Burning Babylon
‘Brad Senne’ by Brad Senne
‘CD1-JS Bach-Six Sonatas for Violin and Harpsichord’ by Ingrid Matthews and Byron Schenkman
‘CD2-JS Bach-Six Sonatas for Violin and Harpsichord’ by Ingrid Matthews and Byron Schenkman
‘Canconier’ by Canconier
‘Celocity’ by Claire Fitch
‘Classic Giuliani’ by AlmaNova
‘Clementi, Dussek, Kuhlau - Sonatinas For Piano’ by Marko Nouwens
‘Cowell Theater CD1 - Live Archive Vol 5’ by Robert Rich
‘Cowell Theater CD2 - Live Archive Vol 5’ by Robert Rich
‘Dandelion’ by Kalabi
‘Danza D Amore’ by Amelia Cuni
‘Daydream’ by Robin Stine
‘Debut’ by AlmaNova
‘Distant Activity’ by Adam Fielding
‘Djembolale - Fills and Drills’ by Ruben van Rompaey
‘Djembolale - Grooves and Moves’ by Ruben van Rompaey
‘Dominus Illuminato Mea’ by The Headroom Project
‘Dram’ by Anna Rynefors and Erik Ask Upmark
‘Due Acque - Live Archive Vol 2’ by Robert Rich
‘Eastern Expressions 3 - Asahi’ by Ruben van Rompaey
‘Eastern Expressions’ by Ruben van Rompaey
‘Eastern Wind’ by Eliyahu Sills
‘Elegance and Refinement - Baroque Suites, French Sweets’ by Ivan Ilic
‘Elevate’ by Seventy Three
‘Epigrams’ by Mantic
‘Evenings At The Microscope’ by Jerry Berlongieri
‘Everyday Including’ by The Union Trade
‘Everything in Nature’ by Broken Poets
‘Faith’ by Falling You
‘Faliks Revenge’ by Falik
‘Five’ by Stargarden
‘Flare’ by Solar Cycle
‘Float’ by Michael Joy
‘Fragmentary Proof’ by Philipp Weigl
‘From The Silence’ by Logic Gate
‘From the Lobby of the Cooper Arms’ by Robert F. Trucios
‘Fugitive Visions - Piano Masterworks by Chopin and Liszt’ by Ivan Ilic
‘Gettin Down to Business’ by Jive Ass Sleepers
‘Goldberg Variations (J.S. Bach)’ by Andreas Almqvist
‘Hang’ by Laura Inserra
‘Heartstrings’ by Daniel Berkman
‘Hellwaste Revisited’ by Mystified
‘Hellwaste’ by Mystified
‘Himlens Polska’ by Erik Ask Upmark
‘Honey From The Thorn’ by Tim Rayborn
‘Hymns Of The All-Night Vigil - Opus 37’ by Kyiv Chamber Choir
‘Ici et Maintenant CD1 - Live Archive Vol 1’ by Robert Rich
‘Ici et Maintenant CD2 - Live Archive Vol 1’ by Robert Rich
‘Immortal_’ by Val Davis
‘JS Bach Inventions and Sinfonias’ by Janine Johnson
‘Kara Nomadica’ by Kara Nomadica
‘Kingdom Crumble’ by Justin Bianco
‘La Cetra Galante’ by Doc Rossi
‘Labyrinth - and we shall all die trying’ by Saros
‘Land and Water’ by Philipp Weigl
‘Legends’ Mist’ by Kourosh Dini
‘Little Palaces’ by Greg Annussek
‘Liturgy of Peace’ by Kyiv Chamber Choir
‘Live At Bliss Gardens’ by Kourosh Dini
‘Lost And Found And Lost’ by The Seldon Plan
‘Lumin - Live Archive Vol 6’ by Robert Rich
‘Magic Carpet’ by Magic Carpet
‘Moon Dreaming’ by Russ Hopkins and Jerry Palmer
‘Movements In The Moment’ by Rhonda Lorence
‘Mozaic’ by Ruben van Rompaey
‘Mozart Klavier Trios’ by Streicher Trio
‘Mozart Sonatas CD 3 - Four Sonatas K330-333 - 1783’ by Daniel Ben Pienaar
‘Mozart Sonatas CD 4 - Fantasy and Sonata K475 K457 and Sonata K533 K494 - 1784-8’ by Daniel Ben Pienaar
‘Mozart Sonatas CD 5 - Three last sonatas K545, K570, K576 - 1788-9’ by Daniel Ben Pienaar
‘Music from Braid’ by Sieber, Kammen, Fulton and Schatz
‘Musica da Camera’ by Streicher Trio
‘Musical Incense - volume one (Hang and Guitar Duets)’ by Laura Inserra
‘Musical Incense - volume two (Hang and Guitar Duets)’ by Laura Inserra
‘Mycosphere - Live Archive Vol 7’ by Robert Rich
‘Narcotic Basement’ by Mystified
‘New Jazz Galaxy’ by Jive Ass Sleepers
‘Nocturnum’ by Justin Bianco
‘Nothing Left To Believe’ by Immune
‘Nour’ by Shiva in Exile
‘Numinous River’ by Francesca Genco
‘Oasis’ by Ensemble Al Asdeka
‘One Thousand Years Of Ukrainian Sacred Music’ by Kyiv Chamber Choir
‘Optimism in E minor’ by Broken Poets
‘Out Of It’ by Brad Sucks
‘Outside Forces’ by Music Inside
‘Panta Rhei - Celtic and Mediterranean Music for Harp’ by Diana Rowan
‘Passage’ by Mike Wall
‘Pastourelle’ by Fortune’s Wheel
‘Peace’ by Thomas
‘Public Service Announcement’ by The Proper Authorities
‘Queen Of Venom’ by Blind Divine
‘Ragged, Rent and Torn’ by Shira Kammen
‘Reconstruction’ by Rob Costlow
‘Reincarnation’ by Broken Poets
‘Remnants From Paradise’ by Werner Durand
‘Reza Nation’ by Reza Manzoori
‘Ritual Fiction’ by Twilight Archive
‘River Of Days’ by Michael Joy
‘Romantic - Powerful Miniatures by Schumann and Brahms’ by Ivan Ilic
‘Sancta Camisia’ by Hans Christian
‘Seasons’ by Eternal Jazz Project
‘Sequences of Life’ by DJ Markitos
‘Set Future’ by Stephen Schweyen
‘Severed’ by Lie Big
‘Shamballa - Live Archive Vol 3’ by Robert Rich
‘Sharena’ by Zhaba
‘Shark Week’ by C. Layne
‘Sitting on the windowsill of Heaven - Celia Harper’ by Sulis
‘Skywatchers’ by Mystified
‘Sonic Chill’ by DJ Cary
‘Soul Retriever’ by Blind Divine
‘Soulful Filling’ by General Fuzz
‘Spectral Navigator’ by Ray Carl Daye
‘Spheric’ by Mystified
‘Stillness and Movement’ by David Modica
‘Strange Phenomena’ by Big Bad Sun
‘Svanevit’ by Svanevit
‘Sweet Mystery’ by Russ Hopkins
‘Temptation’ by Shawn Harris
‘The Art Of Buzzing’ by Werner Durand
‘The Bright Knowledge’ by Diana Rowan
‘The Citadel’ by Heir to Madness
‘The Gates of Dawn’ by Ishwish
‘The Longing’ by Felixdroid
‘The Shapes That Shift Us’ by Brad Senne
‘Timeless’ by David Modica
‘Tokyo507’ by Tokyo507
‘Translucent’ by hands upon black earth
‘Twilight Archive’ by Twilight Archive
‘Two Romantic Piano Trios by Women Composers’ by Streicher Trio
‘Un Tres Doulx Regard’ by Asteria
‘Unspoken’ by Jami Sieber
‘VI’ by C. Layne
‘Vitality and Virtuosity - Sonatas by Haydn and Beethoven’ by Ivan Ilic
‘Vivaldi - The Four Seasons’ by Lara St John
‘Vol 1 - Well Tempered Clavier Book 2 ‘Flat Keys” by Katherine Roberts Perl
‘Voyages’ by Logic Gate
‘When I Cross The River’ by Tom Bolton
‘Zirkus - Step Inside - Piano Music of Robert Schumann’ by Cary Chow
‘grey mirrors’ by the glimmer room
‘now we are six’ by the glimmer room