Season of the Stars: ccM & MP

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Viewing 0 - 10 of 10 matches total
...l wardrobe door and finding an entire magic kingdom on the other side. in some ways, i don't know where to start. but that's a d
description the window `description' is not visible when the last remixes are listened to.( ?) does it have a means of finding them some...
... great resource for finding "free" material. is there a method for uploading mixes (i sampled this...) or would i just host it myse
samples! samples! ccmixter has released a major new push to make finding and using samples as easy and useful as possible. there's all ki...
...pyright holder." finding all of this a bit confusing, i checked out the legal code. more confusion. i would like to submit my on here, but i'm finding information on the internet to be a little over my head. also, right now i'm using audacity for mac o
finding tracks to remix ok maybe i'm missing something, but is there an easier way to find tracks that users are submitting online to be ...
...ur response time to finding and fixing problems to be timely. if not, you'll get a full refund. peace, vs
... i'm having trouble finding all the source material using the "i used samples from" box (after i click "submit a remi
geography i like to know where my friends are on the big blue marble. i keep finding myself looking for the artist's locale of origin, b...