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New features and site performace

permalink   Sun, Feb 26, 2006 @ 2:12 AM
You may have noticed there are two new fields on artist’s pages: overall remix counts and overall ratings.

These and several other features are part of a large site upgrade currently underway.

The most sweeping change is one you won’t see — just perceive: site speed up. You should now be seeing pages displaying much faster than before. There’s one more change coming very soon that should speed up remix listing and artist pages about 3 times faster than before.

Of course all these improvements means we had to change a lot under the hood and even though we’ve done extensive testing it’s possible, er likely, that problems may arise.

If so, at the bottom of every page on the site is a link to contact us. We know it’s not your job to report bugs but a quick note to us is all we ask. I think, er hope, that you’ll find our response time to finding and fixing problems to be timely.

If not, you’ll get a full refund.

permalink   Sun, Feb 26, 2006 @ 3:20 AM
ah, yes — and here’s another feature already;

formatting in user and upload descriptions. it seems to work on Windows IE and Firefox, on Mac Safari and Firefox.

Highlight text in your profile description or upload descriptions, push the little buttons (like the ones on the forums) and try to break it.

permalink   Mon, Feb 27, 2006 @ 4:00 AM
OK, the performance upgrade is completed.

The difference in speed is very dependant on your internet connection but the we are displaying remix listing pages and artist profile pages about 3 times faster now that’s it all in.

Again, please make sure to report problems (e.g. borken links, "Invalid Path" messages that used to work, "Down for upgrade" screens when you didn’t expect it, etc.)

Use the ‘contact site administrator’ link at the bottom of any page for contacting us.
