Deep Roots Remix Event

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Viewing 252 - 264 of 265 matches total
... playing live sets again and want to promote my work both in and out of the studio. i am now looking for a producer or co-producer a i have nothing against my given name, but how can we expect our parents to give us the right name when they haven't even met us
...ble of and maybe an insight into the way they are played.
... people. thanks again for listening... i am currently looking for backing from a label to produce my album. if you are a label
... on nos/ve release again. no longer the voluminious shirt of memory, it was now a perfect babydoll size. after washing it, i started
...e consider to join again and your opinion will be appreciated.
... of the band "rage against the machine" for the "tel-aviv" magazine. 2003 an exclusive interview with ian brown (former leader & si
... [b]g0[/b] slowly gained respect on the brazilian alternative scene and in 2003 we were invited to play on tim festival - the bigg
... would be the same again...
...e studio and start again with a fresh head. i find the studio environment quite forced so i normally make my tunes under a duvet on
... following has been gained from the listeners of 88.9 strictly hip-hop, morgan state’s friday night dose of underground hip-hop.
...o. the band quickly gained a regional following. the band released two recording projects that they independently produced and recor
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