Resilience Secret Mixter Mixing in Progress


About Me
Born and raised in Baltimore City, Drag has been blazing through the Hip- Hop scene. His numerous mixtapes have touched the ears of many. A greater following has been gained from the listeners of 88.9 Strictly Hip-Hop, Morgan State’s Friday night dose of Underground Hip-Hop. PenDragon is a forerunner as one of Baltimore’s greats. PenDragon produces and writes not only rap but also R&B. Also writing TV shows, movies, and books are steadily draining the ink out of Drag’s pens. When asked about what he wants people to get out of his music Drag says, “ I want people to know that everything that you go through, someone else is going through that too. If I can comfort someone with what I say, and they can apply that to themselves and make them realize that life is real and everybody, no matter their position, had to overcome something, whether great or small. I want to give a voice to those that are not getting heard. And let them know that it is alright to feel all emotions of life, because everyone does, and it’s real.�
Member since
Mon, Jan 17, 2005
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PenDragon has 2 remixes and has not been remixed
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