Imagination Rising Remix Event
Echo Root:

Echo Root

About Me
Echo Root is a pseudonym of sorts, a name I have taken for myself that is meaningful to me. I have nothing against my given name, but how can we expect our parents to give us the right name when they haven’t even met us yet?

Echo Root has elements of earth and spirituality, while also carrying a technological overtone. To me, it means “an echo of the root� or a child of whatever Cosmic Awareness may exist.

It also relates well to my interest in patternistic thinking. As the poem above proposes, we as individuals are always changing second by second and are not really anything with any permanence outside of a repetition of patterns… behaviors, traits, aspects of our appearance. Any of these elements can change over time or in an instant, so who we are is best defined by recognizable patterns of these aspects of being. Not the sum of the parts as much as the average.
Member since
Sun, Mar 5, 2006
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Echo Root has 4 remixes and has not been remixed
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Echo Root has left 1 review and has been reviewed 6 times