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Reviews for "Semi"

by thelaw
Recommends (3)
Thu, Mar 31, 2005 @ 3:43 PM
Play Semi
permalink   Thu, Mar 31, 2005 @ 5:47 PM
I haven’t given a 5 in a long time.

This is simply outstanding.
permalink   victor Thu, Mar 31, 2005 @ 5:49 PM
actually I should qualify that (hehe, sorry)

but the production is a little fuzzy — that’s tech talk for all unlcear EQ separation between the different frequency ranges.

BUT the composing/remixing is so strong conceptually that I don’t care ;) so the 5 still stands
Pat Chilla The Beat Gorilla
permalink   Thu, Mar 31, 2005 @ 8:25 PM
OK, I’m obviously biased through flattery…..however, I’m definitely impressed with the vibe of this track. I’m not a "traditional" musician by any stretch of the imagination, but I feel vibes well. This song VIBES!!!!! Even without my pellas the track has that lounged out, way cool, I’m chillin kinda vibe. I’m appreciative you chose me as the vocalist. Its kinda funny, I haven’t been to the site in a minute due to a hectic schedule and as soon as I comeback I’m featured in a cut-up. I guess it was calling me.
permalink   thelaw Fri, Apr 1, 2005 @ 11:35 AM
Hey guys thanks so much for the feedback - EQ is the bane of my existence :). I would love to work on a collaboration, just drop me a line (I’ll put up my email addy in my profile).
Southbound Cinema
permalink   Wed, Jul 20, 2005 @ 11:39 PM
This one puts a smile on my face, but it’s too short! It’s like that cool buddy who stops by and changes your life for about twenty minutes, then has to split. Great work anyway.