Imagination Rising Remix Event

Reviews for "Remember The Name"

Remember The Name
by simon6Mo
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Tue, Apr 4, 2006 @ 5:46 AM

Samples are used in:

permalink   Tue, Apr 4, 2006 @ 8:04 AM
The symphonic intro, a bit high on the levels, leads into a workable enough synth backing for the refrain. The percussion works well.
The rhythm bumps along pretty well.
The effect is raw, which I suspect is intended. The vocals are clear and dynamic. Solid, vigorous mix.
I think that it’s main place for tinkering is in the first 20 seconds, where the sounds themselves are good ideas, but don’t play out as faux symphonically as hoped, and the extro, which cuts out.
permalink   simon6Mo Wed, Apr 12, 2006 @ 9:18 AM
thank you Gurdonark. Where can I buy some ears good like yours ?