RSVP for Jul 28 Livestream

Reviews for "Dear Mr Williams (I am a Songwriter)"

Dear Mr Williams (I am a Song...
by Ivan Chew
Recommends (24)
Wed, Aug 18, 2010 @ 6:26 PM
Admiral Bob
permalink   Wed, Aug 18, 2010 @ 6:42 PM
That’s awesome! A virtual oration, composed of everyone’s best poetry. :) The vidian bt is a perfect intro and outro, and “mine mine mine mine” with the laugh track and Latin music is a blast. :)
permalink   Ivan Chew Wed, Aug 18, 2010 @ 6:47 PM
Merely standing on the shoulders of other musical giants, Richard. BTW you meant the bt from urmymuse?
permalink   Admiral Bob Wed, Aug 18, 2010 @ 6:56 PM
Quote: Ivan ChewMerely standing on the shoulders of other musical giants, Richard. BTW you meant the bt from urmymuse?

Ooops. Ya.
permalink   Wed, Aug 18, 2010 @ 7:29 PM
Thanks Ivan. It’s great to hear my reading in this context. I like the crazy laughter and the heavy guitars, and you have used all the voices and their words so well. Great job.
permalink   Ivan Chew Thu, Aug 19, 2010 @ 4:38 PM
Thanks for sharing your reading. I found myself thinking and agreeing with everything in your words. In fact, my first reaction upon listening was whether yours a 101 lecture on the principles of Copyright, lol!
permalink   Wed, Aug 18, 2010 @ 9:12 PM
Ivan, wow dude. you’ve melted my mind with this journey of a mix. incredible. thank you so much for transforming me…
permalink   Ivan Chew Thu, Aug 19, 2010 @ 4:41 PM
Quote: snowflakethank you so much for transforming me…Heh, thank you for accepting the ‘transformation’. And thank you, for calling out the community. I love the fact it’s a call for a mature, non-violent reaction to a visceral issue.
permalink   Thu, Aug 19, 2010 @ 3:53 AM
This is brilliantly done Ivan! I love it!
permalink   Ivan Chew Thu, Aug 19, 2010 @ 4:43 PM
Thanks, Deb. Wah, 3 thumbs up! :)
ditto ditto
permalink   Thu, Aug 19, 2010 @ 5:30 AM
Yes, great piece, really.
permalink   Ivan Chew Thu, Aug 19, 2010 @ 4:44 PM
Thank you for listening and commenting. Appreciate it.
permalink   Thu, Aug 19, 2010 @ 6:12 AM
Whole lot o’ sharin’ goin’ on. You say something in your description that strikes a note in me. Every time someone says something about one of ‘my’ songs on ccM I think to myself ‘but it’s not my song’. And it’s not an unpleasant thought.
permalink   Ivan Chew Thu, Aug 19, 2010 @ 4:54 PM
Quote: SpeckEvery time someone says something about one of ‘my’ songs on ccM I think to myself ‘but it’s not my song’.Not only are you one heck of a soundscape artist, you’re also a humble one.
permalink   Thu, Aug 19, 2010 @ 11:20 AM
excellent, Ivan. truly excellent.
permalink   Ivan Chew Thu, Aug 19, 2010 @ 5:02 PM
I was looking at your latest ccM profile pic and then read your comment. Was imagining you lounging and listening to this :) Thanks, as always, for commenting.
permalink   Thu, Aug 19, 2010 @ 12:47 PM
Agree with Panu. Excellent.
permalink   Ivan Chew Thu, Aug 19, 2010 @ 4:59 PM
Thanks man!
permalink   Thu, Aug 19, 2010 @ 2:35 PM
Cheers Ivan … well done on bringing so many voices together, so well. Long live the freedom to share !
permalink   Ivan Chew Thu, Aug 19, 2010 @ 5:04 PM
Quote: urmymuseLong live the freedom to share ! That sounded like a Braveheart moment! :)
permalink   Fri, Aug 20, 2010 @ 1:23 PM
Well done and well said! Urmymuse guitars make a splendid backdrop for the various voices. What a pleasure!
permalink   Ivan Chew Sun, Aug 22, 2010 @ 3:06 AM
Thanks for the comment, Susan :)
permalink   Fri, Aug 20, 2010 @ 10:19 PM
A great backing track and a very creative use of all the different spoken word pieces.
permalink   Ivan Chew Sun, Aug 22, 2010 @ 3:07 AM
Yeah, urmymuse’s guitar track was instrumental to the whole feel of the song. Thanks for listening and commenting!
permalink   Mon, Aug 23, 2010 @ 4:07 AM
Nice mashup, Ivan. Dig it.
permalink   Ivan Chew Sat, Aug 28, 2010 @ 2:36 AM
Thanks for the thumbs up :)
permalink   Thu, Aug 26, 2010 @ 4:52 PM
Really fantastic Ivan. I might have enjoyed this the most of all your remixes so far or should I say mashup!
permalink   Ivan Chew Sat, Aug 28, 2010 @ 2:39 AM
I think the backing guitars really brought out the best from the mash up. Thanks for thumbs up! :)
permalink   Mon, Sep 27, 2010 @ 10:44 PM
Great production man, your riffs always have that epic sound. Love the middle 8 too :D
permalink   Ivan Chew Wed, Sep 29, 2010 @ 2:39 AM
In this case, all the credits for the guitar riff goes to urmymuse. I didn’t record any original guitar material for this track. :)