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Reviews for "bloody cure"

bloody cure
by bento box
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Wed, Apr 2, 2008 @ 7:19 PM

Uses samples from:

permalink   Thu, Apr 3, 2008 @ 10:28 AM
I like that mooody guitar with that mellotron or something in the back. I’ll recommend you to bring the voice to the front to make it more intelligible Maybe the ooh ooh chor works well in the back and with that much reverb, but the verse is intelligible, and I’m from colombia, the same country as silvia, and i don’t understand anything of what is she saying. Some things are confused in the song, It’s a mix problem. Work in the bass too.
permalink   bento box Thu, Apr 3, 2008 @ 11:20 AM
Thanks for the feedback. This song is all guitar and bass. The backing you hear is a Fender Jazzmaster guitar played with the tremolo at the same time as strumming. The bass varies between bass chords and single straight 8’s. The vocal, I understand your point, but actually this is the point of the song. This is a tribute to a style of indie music called “Shoe gazer” that does not place emphasis on crisp vocals, but rather a feel, a wash of guitars, and unintellgible vocals. This is in no way meant to disrespect the vocalist. I heard the vocal and thought of this style. Check out:
permalink   Fri, Apr 4, 2008 @ 12:47 PM
from previous review:
Quote: don’t understand anything of what is she saying

exactly what I was about to write - I’m no one to talk the way I drench vox in verb but this really is a few stops to many.