
Reviews for "Behold a Republic"

Behold a Republic
by gurdonark
Recommends (3)
Wed, Dec 14, 2005 @ 10:24 PM

Samples are used in:

permalink   Thu, Dec 22, 2005 @ 2:49 PM
near perfect but the levels are little too convoluted for me (pianos leap out, epiano are buried and distorted)
permalink   gurdonark Tue, Dec 27, 2005 @ 5:53 PM
Quote: near perfect but the levels are little too convoluted for me (pianos leap out, epiano are buried and distorted)

I had a very hard time with sound levels and mix throughout this one, including, but not limited to, a persistent mismatch of sample rates, giving me an experience of the presidents-as-looney-tunes characters over and over. I liked the way I got the samples to match onto the vocals, but the musical pieces can get overpowering.
permalink   victor Wed, Dec 28, 2005 @ 12:37 PM
that’s not surprising if you’re using audacity to do your mixing. at some point you want to “graduate” to a more amenable mixing host. I would recommend ACID but since giving them money support Sony Music’s DRM rootkit psychosis.
permalink   gurdonark Mon, Jan 2, 2006 @ 6:40 AM
Quote: that’s not surprising if you’re using audacity to do your mixing. at some point you want to “graduate” to a more amenable mixing host. I would recommend ACID but since giving them money support Sony Music’s DRM rootkit psychosis.

Yes. I use a Magix Audio 5 value studio, which is good for lots of things, but which lacks some of the tools for ideal mixing. It’s perhaps a bit more useful than Audacity in some ways, but it’s not ACID or even FL. Of course, each day I find another tool I didn’t realize how to use before on this little softstudio, so I’m going to use it a while longer, and really learn it, before I upgrade to something which lets me match and mix more easily.