Imagination Rising Remix Event

Reviews for "Snow Geese at Hagerman Wildlife Preserve"

Snow Geese at Hagerman Wildli...
by gurdonark
Recommends (8)
Sat, Dec 10, 2005 @ 10:52 AM
The fog society
permalink   Sun, Dec 11, 2005 @ 4:05 AM
Good remix … (Hagerman Wildlife must be a bautiful place…)
permalink   gurdonark Sun, Dec 11, 2005 @ 10:28 PM
Quote: Good remix … (Hagerman Wildlife must be a bautiful place…)

Hagerman is an unexpectedly beautiful place—open fields, a small river, marshes by a huge lake, and, in the Autumn, thousands upon thousands of geese and duck, and dozens upon dozens of heron.
Brilliant Orange Object
permalink   Sun, Dec 18, 2005 @ 6:10 PM
well this is another great track. i listen to this one late at night thru perfect! i am so glad people are able to transform the samples i have submitted into something new and their own! man when i hear this track it really gives me the feeling that i am floating right along with those geese,herons and ducks. i have been to Oaklahoma a few times but i have never been to Hagerman. i will be going for sure on my next road trip!gurdonark i really hope one day we could do a full on collaboration. when ever you are willing to give it a shot let me of your best tracks ever. its got feeling. not forced. wonderful!
permalink   gurdonark Mon, Dec 19, 2005 @ 6:34 AM
Quote: well this is another great track. i listen to this one late at night thru perfect! i am so glad people are able to transform the samples i have submitted into something new and their own! man when i hear this track it really gives me the feeling that i am floating right along with those geese,herons and ducks. i have been to Oaklahoma a few times but i have never been to Hagerman. i will be going for sure on my next road trip!gurdonark i really hope one day we could do a full on collaboration. when ever you are willing to give it a shot let me of your best tracks ever. its got feeling. not forced. wonderful!

Thank you! I’m pleased that you like it. I really enjoy using your samples, because they are often little bursts of non-annoying electronica that are perfect to sample and morph. Hagerman is one of those curious little undiscovered places, on one level, just large fields and lake, but on another an amazing bird refuge.

I’d be delighted to collaborate with you during the coming new year. I enjoy doing such collaborations a great deal.

I’d also enjoy it if you posted more little snippets of electronica among the samples here. I like having little wisps and waves and whooshes. There is another of your tracks that I did not use here that I always want to use in everything, because it’s just a quick, appealing wave of sound.

Let’s do collaborate on songs or an album in 2006!

best, Robert
permalink   Brilliant Orange Object Mon, Dec 19, 2005 @ 4:00 PM
well its cool that you picked up on the little “fuck-upz” that i tend to love. i am trying to keep up with all the other projects(music/ect) i have going on.i will be looking forward to working on music with you.its nice sometimes to have another person to work with. i should have a few new samples soon to add.i also hope to have a zipped package of MP3/samples.
Mike Linksvayer
permalink   Sat, Feb 10, 2007 @ 9:31 PM
very nice
permalink   Sun, Jun 21, 2020 @ 2:36 AM
Nice sound my Sister lived in Weatherford OK they did some hunting in various places had a big farm in Ceiling. Wish she would of stayed here in Minnesota in the Summer before 2020. Take Care I rem you dong the Black Lab Dog Piece years ago