
Reviews for "October (Jungle Mix)"

October (Jungle Mix)
by gurdonark
Recommends (4)
Fri, Sep 28, 2007 @ 9:02 PM
permalink   Sat, Sep 29, 2007 @ 8:03 AM
Super! Thanks for using my guitar solo.
permalink   gurdonark Sat, Sep 29, 2007 @ 8:30 AM
Your solo is great! I’ll use it again, someday, in another mix.
ditto ditto
permalink   Tue, Oct 2, 2007 @ 10:09 AM
Excellent..It’s like if we were on a boat going down the river, through the jungle..something of “African Queen”..
permalink   gurdonark Tue, Oct 2, 2007 @ 8:18 PM
I am glad you saw that visual. Thanks!
permalink   Tue, Oct 2, 2007 @ 4:01 PM
Gurd. you are soooo clever…
thats all i have to say about that!
permalink   gurdonark Tue, Oct 2, 2007 @ 8:18 PM
Thanks, cdk, although we all know I am just a simple fellow from gurdon, arkansas.
permalink   Sat, Nov 24, 2007 @ 7:22 PM
Very very cool concept, and artfully executed. My one suggestion would be that the background sounds were at times overpowering the vocal. I would have lowered the levels on them occasionally to let the vocal perhaps stand on its own or just be with the drums. I am of the opinion that use of silences is as important if not more so than the use of sound.

By my complaint, if you want to call it that is minimal with this, The concept of mixing in the sound of the delta with the sound of the jungle is really neat and I hope you’ll consider doing that again maybe without this vocal but instead with something else.
permalink   gurdonark Sat, Nov 24, 2007 @ 7:31 PM
I’m a huge believer in the use of silence—and I think that if there were an ambient rulebook, the primacy of silence as the key instrument of music would be somewhere in the commandments and commendments. I try to leave a lot of space in a lot of things, and so my problem with this mix is the same one you mention—it’s just too noisy, and it doesn’t allow the samples to just breathe. If I were revising this, I’d bring the levels of the field recordings down in places, and also vary the levels a bit.

I like your suggestion—it’s a good idea. thanks for the constructive criticism, and for the review.