RSVP for Jul 28 Livestream

Reviews for "Slide Attention Disorder"

Slide Attention Disorder
by go1dfish
Recommends (15)
Sun, Sep 4, 2011 @ 11:42 PM
permalink   Mon, Sep 5, 2011 @ 12:53 AM
Hoa yeah…that is some straight down home riffin’ bro.

Tell it like it is!
Admiral Bob
permalink   Mon, Sep 5, 2011 @ 8:17 AM
Great old time playing.
permalink   Mon, Sep 5, 2011 @ 9:06 AM
Great work. There is some material here that I definitely would want to incorporate into a mix.
permalink   Mon, Sep 5, 2011 @ 9:23 AM
looooove the title — really great stuff alex.
Kara Square
permalink   Mon, Sep 5, 2011 @ 1:05 PM
Awesome. I love the jam feel of this… I could really see this used as is in a vid… One featuring cowboys drinkin’ on a porch… Or with some mountain scenery…