
Reviews for "Manifested Cuckoo's"

Manifested Cuckoo's
by Pat Chilla The Beat Gorilla
Recommends (8)
Fri, Jul 1, 2005 @ 4:47 PM

Uses samples from:

Clarance Boddyker
permalink   Wed, Jun 7, 2006 @ 9:43 PM
Although not an entry for the contest, I wanted to add my two cents to the piggy bank. Basically, this remix is based around me playing with MarcoRaaphort’s “Combi Manifesto” for Reason 3.0 which I’ve just purchased and the patches are really strong and usable. Anyway, this is a half ass job but its all the time I’ve got this weekend, so better something than nothing at all. Now I’ve got to compile a mixter playlist for my 7 hour drive!!!

Before this post is erased just read it, positive review therein:

You make half ass reviews and half ass tracks. This is starting to make a lot of sense. Listen, when you make a track, you have to put everything into it, “half-ass” ain’t going to cut it. I don’t need advice from someone who thinks this way, so please keep all of it to yourself. Making half ass music is no work ethic I want to learn from you. The only thing I can learn from you is what not to do when it comes to hip hop.

You worried about me making it in the music business? Stop doing everything half ass man. Reviews and music. You should worry a lot more about yourself making it music. Worry a lot.

OK, before my post is erased to protect your sensitivity, let me say that I liked the track. Yes, liked. (I hope the person who will erase my post reads this all the way through)

Good vibes, strictly club and house no doubt, what you do best, but if I was in a club or bar with a drink, this would be the shit to hear.

You gave Lisa’s vocals a textured bed to lay on, but I agree with what you said, you half-assed this.It gets repetitive, it would have been cool to hear you mix it up somehow.

Not to listen at home in the car, I am not into house like that. But for a club/house market, this is marketable. If you try and tell people this is hip-hop though, they will just laugh in your face.

OK, in the description of the song take the “HIP-HOP” tag out.

THIS IS NOT HIP-HOP! If you need me to explain why….

Another thing, if you are going to review me, take the whole ass approach. Tip: Doing things half ass, especially music, won’t get you anywhere. Ask around.

No more preaching about me being unable to handle you half ass review. U act all sensitive, so I am not going to judge your chances of making it in the musci biz. (Hint: it might help you purchased a box of Lucky Charms for extra luck. You’ll need it.)

If you get upset at this review, then you have proven your skin is too thin. Again, it is a favorable review, it just ain’t hip hop.

Link this review for others to see, if it helps your ego.

Feel free to haunt my posts comparing me to other rappers. The thought of dowloading another of your tracks is too much to take. I played it for someone who understand rap and they liked it, as a club or dance record. I asked them if this was hip-hop and all I got was a puzzled look.

Stick to club-hop and stop half- assin everything. And if you can’t take my review, I don’t see how you will make it.

So say anything you want man, it is obvious you can’t take criticism. I will make this site comfortable again for people who want to leave negative reviews but who are too talented to be reviewed.
permalink   victor Wed, Jun 7, 2006 @ 11:01 PM
Hey, Clarance

Just so you know, I’ve seen Pat take plenty of criticism and (especially when it’s technical or musical) I’ve seen him apply it right back into the track and re-upload. That happens to be quite a common thing at this site.

Calling BS on a genre label is little squishy: what’s “rock”? “jazz”? “hip-hop”? and what isn’t seems to be very, very subjective and the subject of needless flamy flame wars; not really productive except under very specific cases. I don’t know about this particular track but Pat’s more than proven his hip-hop credentials on this site to most folks.

But the only really troubling thing is that somewhere you got the impression that it’s ok to take personal shots, not at the music, but at the artist himself and I don’t get that. It’s not about being sensitive, it’s about being unnecessary and well, inappropriate for a site that’s about reusing other peoples’ works in a legally safe and sane way. It just all seems so irrelevant and pointless to after the man as opposed to evaluating the music because, well, it undermines any of the valid points that might be in your comments.

Finally, for what it’s worth, Pat doesn’t have to worry about “making it” in “the industry” since he already makes a living by writing music for nationally televised network shows — not that you have to be impressed with that, I only say that because most regulars to the site know that and questioning his professional viability further undermines many of your underlying points.

Hopefully that make sense and we can back to remixing.

permalink   Clarance Boddyker Fri, Jun 9, 2006 @ 9:20 AM
“I don’t know about this particular track but Pat’s more than proven his hip-hop credentials on this site to most folks.”

That hasn’t been proven to me. And I agree with you 100 percent, I don’t know about that track either.

I agree with everything you wrote because it applies to both parties in the situation, not just me.
We were arguing past each other, we both knew that, didn’t care.

It is interesting how everyone’s POV is defended on this site execept mine.

Calling someone “wack” is not a personal attack? Especially without explanation?

I personally know a LOT of people who sell music for TV and jingles, I’m sure a lot of people on this site do as well. I don’t think only one person does that.

Look through all my reviews and then tell me I get into it with people all the time. I don’t. I have been on this site a LONG time.

I treat people the way they treat me.

The only real troubling thing about this website is the impression that everyone is allowed to take personal shots at me, but it is a 4 alarm fire when I open my mouth.

If someone wants to say, “this is wack, it will sell a million copies if you take the rapper off, and if you can’t take my half ass advice you can’t cut it in the business…” that’s cheesy. But anyone has a right to say it and it will be defended.

I don’t understand why I should take advice that is labeled “half ass”. I didn’t call it that, that is how it was described to me. Look for yourself. (Yes,I don’t have to take said advice, I just stratch my head as to why it is offered and described as such.)

I think questioning my professional viability, especially by someone who claims not to be an expert, undermined all of his points in my eyes.

But somehow I have the nagging feeling no one will understand that point of view.

I can ask my friend who sells music to cable channels and jingles to come in here and put his 2 cents, but then it gets nowhere.

The music speaks for everything.

I have the nagging feeling my views are not welcome.

I will just post my music and let the posters give their reviews and if anyone want to take personal potshots, well, you gotta wait for the new stuff, so stay angry. I seem to be the only censored person here. It won’t be erased.

I got new stuff coming, so everyone who wishes to do so, can get ready with the “this won’t sell with this rapper,” or “this is really wack, but I can’t explain why” speeches. I get it. Question my professional viability and insist I take condescending advice. And I don’t mean one person.

To everyone else, who do their music one hundred percent, who grind 100 percent, who review and can be reviewed without a fuss,

When I first posted my Lisa D. contest remix on CC Mixter, you were one of the first people to give me encouraging words VS. I took it to heart. You weren’t condescending or criticizing with an attitude, transplanting anger from something else to your review.
You gave it to me real.

Lisa D. said “I dig it.” I know she liked but I wanted to hear more of what she thought, I really wanted to know if she liked it. I am rapper and that was the first time I tried to produce anyone. I am still trying to make music using her voice and Norine Braun and Diane Jerussan (I think that is her name, sorry if misspelled)

In another thread, someone remixed Son Soo and you didn’t like the slowed downed echo effect of the
vocals. You were straight to the point. I agreed. I appreciated someone remixing it. But I wasn’t crazy about how it sounded. I don’t remember causin a ruckus in that thread.

I didn’t get on the Below thread starting smack. There are no lectures about my behavior in that thread. And I was a LOT more sensitive then.

I will come back soon and it will be all about the music.

Trust me…

Son Soo
permalink   victor Fri, Jun 9, 2006 @ 2:55 PM
and I agree with you 100% except for the parts where you’re 100% wrong ;)

keep rockin the mic CB

permalink   Fri, Jul 1, 2005 @ 12:09 PM
You always come up with the most interesting ways to use vocals. This sounds great. I hope you get some time to do some more.

BTW-I made a quick 30 min. mix of Mixter tunes for my summer road trips. Your first LDB mix is the opening track. At if you’ve got a sec. : )
permalink   Fri, Jul 1, 2005 @ 7:37 PM
Like this chilli/loungy remix. Very nice feel and great use of sounds. Thanks also for the appreciation of Combi Manifesto!
permalink   Mon, Jul 4, 2005 @ 9:47 PM
sweet chill beat really a nice ralaxing stuff !
Monty Arnold
permalink   Sat, Jul 9, 2005 @ 8:00 PM
very tight. the moogs, pads, rhythm tracks shine. very atmospherical. love the processes. congrats on America’s Next Top Model.
permalink   Wed, Jun 7, 2006 @ 11:51 PM
I ran into this because it was recently reviewed, thinking it was a brand new one, but in fact, it’s from July 2005. Here I was all ready to compliment your incorporation of ambient twinges :)

I like the way your electronica works in this one. It’s got a lot of great chill elements and a bit of shimmering ambience around the edges. The pitch-based vox effects are fun, although it’s always difficult to know when enough is enough and not too much. I love the cut-ups on the vocal phrasing,though, which works very well.