Imagination Rising Remix Event

Reviews for "Reflect the Name"

Reflect the Name
by Reflectionist
Recommends (5)
Thu, Mar 23, 2006 @ 6:24 PM
This upload might be Not Safe For Work
permalink   Thu, Mar 23, 2006 @ 6:55 PM
I like this track a lot. The intro was very nice and the outro was unexpected. The snare you added brought a really good feel for an ending.
permalink   Reflectionist Fri, Mar 24, 2006 @ 4:14 PM
Thanks, I guess nobody else likes it though, or they’re just the immature kids from the FMMB who just want to discredit me.

Oh well. It’s probably because there are a few people who I’ve let listen to this, and now mine sound unoriginal because now a couple other people are trying to do what I did.

I personally think that unless someone can back up their rating, explain just exactly what is wrong with my mix, then they shouldn’t be allowed to rate.

You *should* only be allowed to rate if you comment.

That’s seriously pretty low.
permalink   Fri, Mar 24, 2006 @ 5:37 PM
this mix kind of starts for me around 3:50, before that it seemed kind of straight forward. For my ears the clap is mixed a little to out front throughout and distracted from some of the good hihat work going on.

fwiw: as of this writing you have left exactly one review in the whole system. If you want your tracks to be rated in a way that reflects what the community actually thinks about it, it may help if you participated in the community a little more. just a thought.
permalink   Reflectionist Fri, Mar 24, 2006 @ 8:38 PM
Thanks for the comment, Victor.

Before I go on with my reply, I just want to tell you that I found your website about 3 or 4 months ago on google, and have had it bookmarked since then. I only just heard about ccMixter. So, needless to say, you’ve been a great inspiration.

That being said, how was the sound of the remix? Were any other levels too high?

And by the clap, you do mean the default RTN snare? That I’m keeping, I’m pretty sure. I’m in between fully stocked computers, so I don’t have FL packs at my fingertips to grab a better snare.

Yes, about me posting reviews… I haven’t been here, so I’m kinda still getting used to ccMixter. I heard about the site through the FM contest.

Thanks for the comments, I will try to do more reviews of people’s remixes.

See ya Victor!
permalink   Fri, Mar 24, 2006 @ 5:04 PM
You did a great job man, better than i thought it would come out, im lookin forward to hear more of your stuff
permalink   Wed, May 24, 2006 @ 11:54 PM
I heard the drums on a track that Victor put together and i fell in love with them. As far as this mix, Very nice. I like your style.
Keep up the good work, looking forward to hearing more.