
Reviews for "Albariza (Temporary Assigment Mix)"

Albariza (Temporary Assigment...
by Kaer Trouz
Recommends (7)
Tue, Jun 3, 2008 @ 7:49 PM

Uses samples from:

MC Jack in the Box
permalink   Tue, Jun 3, 2008 @ 8:23 PM
wow girl, powerhouse vocals. honestly, i wish they were actually mixed higher and less compressed, because you’ve really knocked them out here. the backing mix should be framing these vocals instead of competing with them. great passion and great job!
permalink   Kaer Trouz Tue, Jun 3, 2008 @ 8:29 PM
really? I thought they were mixed too high! The main vox line is compressed at a 63 comp threshold and 69 ratio… what would you reccomend, I know standard is around 50 for the threshold, but I have a second vox line ( same line just slightly syncopated) at almost zero compression but a very high Q…. I would love more input. I didn’t want the vox to outshine mykleanthony’s cool full mix sample.
permalink   Wed, Jun 4, 2008 @ 6:49 PM
Hey Kaer. It seems you really enjoy working on preproduced tracks, and your vocals sits very well with the style and melody.
In my humble opinion, the voice is too high, is popping out the mix instead of sit on it.
Maybe your vocals are a little too overcompressed for the style of the song and the big room left in it, but is nothing disturbing for me. You could down a little your voice and do the mixdown then search your vocal range with a multiband compressor and compress the mix only in that band (3k I think), with a gentle ratio, this will help to sit your vocals with the mix lefting the other bands untouched. Maybe that process would help with a multiband limiter too, the original track is louder than yours, you are loosing power in some stage of your work.
permalink   DURDEN Wed, Jun 4, 2008 @ 6:50 PM
Quote: DURDENyou are loosing power in some stage of your work.

Or maybe your MP3 codec is poor.
permalink   Kaer Trouz Wed, Jun 4, 2008 @ 7:20 PM
Quote: DURDENHey Kaer. It seems you really enjoy working on preproduced tracks, and your vocals sits very well with the style and melody.[ quote= Durden]

I have actually done many many mixes with hardly any “pre-production” whatsoever if you look into the body of the work I have left on this site. Many mixes have been formed out of tiny snippets and careful; construction of tiny bits of others’ work. Admittedly the last three mixes have been such because I have found 3 high quality full mix samples I have been drawn to.

As for the rest, all ears cannot be pleased I suppose. I like the far awayness and isolation that the extra compression imparts. I sometimes try to use FX to evoke certain emotive states- obviously this one didn’t work for you.
permalink   DURDEN Wed, Jun 4, 2008 @ 8:17 PM
Quote: Kaer Trouz
As for the rest, all ears cannot be pleased I suppose. I like the far awayness and isolation that the extra compression imparts. I sometimes try to use FX to evoke certain emotive states- obviously this one didn’t work for you.

I don’t said that didn’t work.
There were only recomendations according to my own taste and production tricks. I like your work with pre productions. I’m mixing an instrumental song to upload here looking for singers participation, another kinda rock style of mine, It would be nice if you participate on it.
permalink   Kaer Trouz Wed, Jun 4, 2008 @ 8:25 PM
well on a better, less heart open and bleedy night I suppose I would be able to this information sort it all out and actually try to decode what you were saying. But I am tired overwhelmed and really trying to remember all this soil (the albariza and more) for a terrible test I must take that has nothing to do with music. Sorry I got all uppity. I am glad you re-responded.
permalink   Wed, Jun 4, 2008 @ 8:39 PM
Whoo hoo…seriously sexy. ouououou.

:-) n9
permalink   Thu, Jun 5, 2008 @ 7:11 PM
Firstly the overall quality of the mix. Very nice feel and full of emotion that comes across really well.

Secondly the production. I can see where the reviewers are coming from on this but at the end of the day its a personal thing. If you like it thats what matters. What they are trying to say is maybe a little work here and there would bring more out of the mix. Maybe their right! Personally I did not find the sound a problem but then at CCM I listen to the music and not the engineer.

All that said I found the comments made very helpful in the context of your mix and its great to get this sort of feedback from the community.

Try out what they say and see what you think of it!
permalink   Thu, Jun 5, 2008 @ 7:52 PM
Maybe it wasn’t the impression intended, but to me, this is kinda sly and cute.
permalink   Mon, Jun 16, 2008 @ 6:43 PM
From the little i know, there are no set ways or settings to compress or sit a vocal on a mix i wish there were. It depends entirely on the vocal volume, type of voice, song, altered eq state and the chosen final effect. Even the mic used can create a difference

I think just creating a new song is worth more than being too precious about how its all made.

I wonder if the non singers could record and sing a vocal this well while they are still writing it.?
No magic setting or compression value to do that is there ?
permalink   spinmeister Mon, Jun 16, 2008 @ 7:04 PM
permalink   Loveshadow Mon, Jun 16, 2008 @ 7:06 PM
Did i change this before your thumb came ?
permalink   spinmeister Mon, Jun 16, 2008 @ 7:09 PM
my thumb was in response to the previous long version - but the new executive summary is fine, too :-)