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Reviews for "Hornet"

by George_Ellinas
Recommends (47)
Mon, Jul 21, 2008 @ 5:35 AM

Uses samples from:

permalink   Mon, Jul 21, 2008 @ 7:58 AM
Oh brother - the halfway mark just hit and blew me away. I was sort of absent-mindedly listening while typing up a work e-mail, and the transition just woke me up. :)

The intro section is good, but the message gets really driven home when the track kicks into full speed.

Great vocal effects, and excellent production. Nice.
permalink   George_Ellinas Tue, Jul 22, 2008 @ 1:16 AM
thanx Colab
Hope you are doing fine!!!
permalink   Mon, Jul 21, 2008 @ 10:27 AM
Oh yes, this is great. And you make Duckett sound even better than he already does without the effects.
permalink   George_Ellinas Tue, Jul 22, 2008 @ 1:17 AM
yeah he sounds cool isn’t he? :D

anyway many of my heroes are from your Country S!

do you now Adrmin Van Buuren :D
permalink   Subliminal Tue, Jul 22, 2008 @ 4:30 AM
He is actually born in Leiden, which is where I live since 1994.
permalink   Mon, Jul 21, 2008 @ 12:25 PM
A great new track from George, and it’s got me in it?
How’d you know my birthday’s coming up? :-)
permalink   George_Ellinas Mon, Jul 21, 2008 @ 2:05 PM
funny how you mentioned that your birthday is coming up…
i was thinking to wright something like
“happy birthday” in my notes :D
permalink   essesq Mon, Jul 21, 2008 @ 7:39 PM
Uh…I’ll be having a birthday within the year too ;-), c’mon share the love George ;-).
permalink   essesq Mon, Jul 21, 2008 @ 7:41 PM
Happy Birthday Mr. Duckett. This will definitely go down better than that old scratched up vinyl copy of “Disco Duck” you were going to play at the party ;-). Nice words and reading, btw.
permalink   duckett Mon, Jul 21, 2008 @ 8:06 PM
Rick Dees will be saddened by the news… leisure suit sales may drop significantly. Claude Funston will be sad.
I will somehow manage to enjoy my birthday, regardless- due most likely to the remix; the compliments toward my pella won’t hurt, either…
permalink   Mon, Jul 21, 2008 @ 5:36 PM
Old-school trance!! With the typical, brain-washing breakdown!! :) Nice to hear this.

I wish I had some of your dance remixes available when I worked on “The unofficial danceMixter compilation” last year :(
permalink   George_Ellinas Tue, Jul 22, 2008 @ 1:12 AM
Yeah i was listening to some of my classic trance cds lately and had that sound in my head maybe thats why i did this,for old good times… :D
permalink   Mon, Jul 21, 2008 @ 6:01 PM
I always find that your music makes me want to get up and dance and on occasion that is exactly what I do much to the amusement of family and friends!!

Ducketts little ode has sporned some diverse mixes which says much for the words and their presentation. Here you have really brought out the words and make them really come alive.

Excellent work as usual George.

Anyway back to the dancing!!!
permalink   George_Ellinas Tue, Jul 22, 2008 @ 1:13 AM
thanx RT!
MC Jack in the Box
permalink   Mon, Jul 21, 2008 @ 6:35 PM
great use of dynamics around the pella, and how things build and ebb. typically crazy great use of panning too. :)
permalink   George_Ellinas Tue, Jul 22, 2008 @ 1:18 AM
thanx for choosing my tracks for you radio show Mc!!!
permalink   Mon, Jul 21, 2008 @ 6:46 PM
So now we know why the duck dances ;-). You da man, GE! Just awesome stuff, as always.
permalink   duckett Mon, Jul 21, 2008 @ 8:08 PM
It wasn’t an unreal fascination with endless knee-bends, I’ll say that much ;-)
permalink   George_Ellinas Tue, Jul 22, 2008 @ 1:19 AM
the plan is to do your vocals into a club tune also E!!!
permalink   essesq Tue, Jul 22, 2008 @ 8:59 AM
I was joking ;-)…but the mere thought of it makes me smile from ear to ear…you don’t have to do anything now and I’ll just keep smiling…
permalink   Tue, Jul 22, 2008 @ 7:15 AM
You’re a pro and you better know it!!!
permalink   Tue, Jul 22, 2008 @ 7:24 AM
George - great Energy in this offering - feels like a real liberating release - enjoyed it very much - makes one want to Dervish around all over the place.
Scott Altham
permalink   Wed, Jul 23, 2008 @ 2:08 PM
Stylin!… This totally fits in with my ‘trouser enthusiasts’ and ‘above &beyond’ pocket of trance. Real well produced and really melody trance… The best flavour of dance in my option (1994 - 1999 aside :-). You always seem to knock out amazingly produced and green light inspiring trance. Bring back the 1998 trance scene!
permalink   George_Ellinas Wed, Jul 23, 2008 @ 2:54 PM
94-99 yes the good old times
much of my inspirations come from that time, i used to work in a club in boston and every thursday a worldwide superstar DJ was a guest(Paul Oaekenfold,John Digweed,Christofer Lawrence,Nick Warren,Sasha,i can’t remember them alli met most of the superstar Djs of the time,i got some cds from them and last week i have found them getting dust in my room so i listened again and that sound it was in my head so there you go for the good old trance times…
permalink   Mon, Jul 28, 2008 @ 1:07 PM
Sorry George, very late!

This reminds me on times in the mid/late 90s when I knew some so called trance producers who thought it is an easy thing to make a 4 on the floor track and that_s it.
They are all gone because they didn_t felt this music, but you really do!
Congratulations also for duckett, I didn_t realized that it his him talking there.
Isn_t that a Formula 1 racingcar sound at aaround 3:36??
Haha, that_s simply great!
permalink   George_Ellinas Mon, Jul 28, 2008 @ 1:43 PM
FERRARI all the way :D
permalink   Wed, Aug 13, 2008 @ 3:51 PM
Thup di Thup di Thup di Thup di…

Lovely oldschool trance! The production is awesome as always.

And having remixed Hornet myself, this felt interestingly familiar