Mixing-Celebratory Secret Mixter

Reviews for "What Cha waitin 4"

What Cha waitin 4
by DJ.E-State
Recommends (2)
Sat, Apr 5, 2008 @ 2:01 PM
This upload might be Not Safe For Work

Uses samples from:

permalink   Sat, Apr 5, 2008 @ 8:13 PM
The momentum builds as if the storm is beginning, working its way up in a wave of strings, punctuated by soft lightning from a vocalist who knows his place in the mix. The little light thunder of flutes mixes nicely with the percussion. The female vocals are rich as northern lights, and give the vocal sky a rich field to see.

People imagine that the sky is the sky is the sky. “The sky is so predictable—it just hips here and hops there and it’s all the same sky”. Yet sometimes the sky is this, and sometimes it is that, and it’s always full of sights and sounds and streams of sound. People disrespect the sky, and choirs of angels have to issue their stern refrains to caution us all against taking the hip-hop sky for granted.

A lovely use of disparate elements to make this mix work.